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Who Controls Grain Handling?

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    Just to follow up, why won't this organization push into feedlots the way Poundmaker did at Lannigan, Sk (hopefully spelled right). Other ethanol plants may not have the currently wasted heat of refineries to dry distillers grains the way Husky does at Lloyd so the business model has to look at something different.

    Again, just thinking outside the box?


      Just to follow up, why won't this organization push into feedlots the way Poundmaker did at Lannigan, Sk (hopefully spelled right). Other ethanol plants may not have the currently wasted heat of refineries to dry distillers grains the way Husky does at Lloyd so the business model has to look at something different.

      Again, just thinking outside the box?


        JD4Me,Agstar, My bills are paid just so you know. My reason for my anger has to do with guys like Rod Flaman who say one thing and then totally contradicts himself the next I could give a ton of examples on these threads where I've read this. I didn't know that to post on this you had to have a university degree. I don't ever claim to know as much as you guys,but because I'm 24 does not mean I haven't seen the tough times of agriculture. I've seeded 8 crops my first 2 were good now it has simply been survival. I will watch closeley to what you guys post and the next time you get mad I will be all over you. I've seen when Parsley & Tom4cwb(sorry to use you guys as an example) have asked Rod very good questions and he simply won't reply. I will ask again Rod why can't I have all of my money up front from the CWB??



          I am 100% on your side; Why can't the CWB provide a true daily price, with daily delivery opportunities?

          At least present the opportunity... and don't expect me to swallow that it is not possible!

          Canola, pulses, special crops, you name it, all offer a choice at some price... but not the CWB.


          If the CWB is so smart and knows the market so well, figure out the cost of holding the grain, and pay us a cash price!

          Then the CWB could make gobs of money and do whatever they want with the profit!

          I thought this is what the CWB contingency fund was for!


            I agree with JD in that this forum should be used more for constructive discussion rather than personal attacks. Times are tough and only getting harder. I would recommend those to go to www.marketforum.com and scroll down to peak oil: Article from the independent, I warn you it is a long read but well worth it. The just of it is we are possibly running out of oil. I have to say we need to become more constructive with thoughts in relation to what we might be facing down the not to distance future. So I applaud Vader on his vision of the future, whether right or wrong. Perhaps those that are anti board can give a vision to what the future holds without a board. Not looking for any fight as I’m just so confused. If we think outside the box as they say in relation to the above article, could we be growing grains and oilseeds not for food consumption, but for the energy dependent society we all have become? Now let’s say this is maybe possible, will we as producers be better off with a board returning money to the farm gate or as I think it will be multinationals returning money to their shareholders. Now don’t get me wrong I think everyone should make some profit . What I see now are crushers making a profit for their shareholders and farmers losing at the farm gate. Could the board possibly look much different in the future retaining a monopoly similar to OPEC in renewable resources under a Kyoto environment Will the act for the monopoly as we have it now ever be replaced if we were to need it in the future under a renewable resource. I’m not sure of the answers but let’s really think hard about what we are asking


              My wife has brought it to my attention that it is possible how she could see how I sound like an ass. I didn't mean to give a personal attack I guess a guy should read what he has just typed instead of just typing and hitting send. Just another example though how the control is out of our hand. I had to answer to my wife..


                I didn't ask you about your finances,
                I asked you to help us all keep this forum at a somewhat reasonable level, I agree the emotions attached to this business are certainly strong but ask yourself how many other CWB directors have you seen take the time to participate in a forum like this, that we know of. Agree or disagree with what he says , take advantage of the situation.
                I for one always hope we can see some positives on this site usually it's just rhetoric and position posturing, I always note the questions on actual marketing like the one on price discovery from WD9 usually have the fewest posts, I often think this place is just cheaper than shrink bills for a lot (myself included)
                Anyhow keep that eye out for me getting out of line and let me know when I do , it's been known to happen.


                  By the way Charlie P has some valid points investing in ethanol plants when you have carte blanche marketing powers is not going to play very well. Good thought but some changes would have to take place on domestic marketing before that would be acceptable to me at least.


                    LOL@ Shrink bills...

                    Like George Kastanza in Seinfield - its not shrinkage, I was in the pool!!!

                    Wheat pun intended.


                      that was funny ,even though i support the board
                      good one


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