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Does the CWB have the right to spend money like this?

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    bobn-- I am in the same boat as you but I have both spring wheat and durumn. Have only been able to deliver "1" carload of #1 durumn and NO spring wheat since finishing harvest on the Thanksgiving weekend. FYI- the spring wheat is #1&#2 and all dry.


      food4u, I sympathize with you. I have flax, lentils and malt barley and have not moved a single bushel off my farm.

      The CWB has accepted 80% of the wheat and have called for a fair bit of that. There are many situations where the elevators are plugged for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the situation could be managed better but contract calls are allocated as fairly as possible. Where specific problems are identified the CWB will attempt to mitigate the problem.

      I look forward to the day when we can implement my idea of tradeable deliveries. I see potential to rectify some of the delivery problems. I am told that our computer systems will be up to the task for the 2006/07 crop year. I have not yet seen the specifics of how it will work.

      I think to completely address the cash flow problems we need to move to a system of on farm buying where the CWB pays you for your grain you have on the farm and then pays storage as well. Once cash flow can be separated from delivery a lot of problems will disappear.

      Rod Flaman


        Nice comments, too little too late maybe. Where were these ideas being floated over the last 50 years??

        I guess the idea of competition does amazing things for people.


          Thanks Vader, I have said all along I want the CWB in my bin not at port.
          Maybe then the grain agents will stop being able to screw with the grain in our pool accounts.
          Now lets make the CGC lisence inland terminals as terminals not primary elevators. So we can keep that money on the prairies.


            Vader-- It is not that there is no contract call for my spring wheat ,it is the fact that there is no car allocations for spring whaet on our train run. Just allocations for durum. All cars on this run are producer cars and any farmer that has applied for orders for spring wheat have been denied.


              In my area wheat is moving very briskly, HRSW and HWSW. But the concern to me is that the majority of the wheat moving out is all #3 with 12- 14% protien. Very little, if any, #2 or #1 wheat moving at all. This sends a very clear mesage to me and alot of producers I talk to. The CWB has no sales for the top grades of wheat because buyers are getting excellent wheat with high falling numbers for alot less money than they have to pay for the top grades.
              The majority of the wheat shipments out of this area are based on falling numbers and that is it.


                Are you absolutly sure the grain is being shipped as #3 or has the grain company upgraded it to a #2 and with protien and pocketing you money?


                  Who realy knows??? It could be sold at port as a #2 based on falling numbers.
                  I guess the question is, are we getting ripped off, or is the world market sending us a signal? That being, yes we can make same flour out of #3 wheat but at much lower cost than #1. Remember one thing, half of the can hardly pay attention, let alone pay the so called "premiums" on our high quality wheat.


                    It looks like they are finally going to move some HRSW out of here. Supposed to be another train next week. Durum and HRSW this time-- 1 car of HRSW high protein and the rest durum.


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