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CanaianYoung Farmers Forum

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    CanaianYoung Farmers Forum

    this message was also posted under rural issues but I am new and not sure the proper spot thanks for helping me learn.
    Last week at the Crop production show in Saskatoon I attendended a meeting about the CYFF,and the possibillity of Starting a Sask chapter. It seemed interesting and have merit although I was wonderig what others thoughts were on the organization, some of their past work good/bad ? basically if it is worth my valuable time. I am a 30yr old mixed farmer who is starting to get active. thanks


    Any place is a good place to start!

    Go for it, we are what we make in organisations... the more people who honestly try, the better we will all become!


      I just started on with the MB chapter. A little tentatively but we will seen where it goes. I think groups like this could possibly help our farm lobby situation as a lot of the guys involved have no preconceived notions or rock solid ideologies from which they won;t stray. This may help to remove some of the barriers that are currenlty in place between our present lobby gruops and give us a more concerted effort.


        Hopefully Wild Rose Ag Producers don't mind me mentioning but Rod Scarlett is in the Ukraine talking to organizations there about activities to improve young farmers skills in management/advocacy. They are dealing with many of the same issues of not being able to attract new farm managers and are looking at ways of engaging youth/geting them involved.

        Toughgoofit - have you looked at these organizations? I realize takes time away from business/family but is personally worthwhile - particularly if you want to develop leadership skills in the industry.



          My experience for what it is worth:

          Always take note of who is doing the founding funding and go from there.

          Usually nobody puts up money without getting something back, and quite often that 'something' is being in a position to influence.

          Just awareness.



            During the years I was involved ,and I believe up to the present(though I may be wrong) the bulk of the start up money for CYFF came from a grant from the rural secretariat and a further grant was made by FCC, FCC did want something ,a national group to discuss loan programs and beginning farmer issues and the such for their program development. as for the fed's the pretty much left the group alone.

            What I found was as long as something like this remains educational and a training ground if you will and maintains an overall neutral environment with opportunities to learn and understand thoughts and issues nationwide it was growing and stronger.
            I have not been involved for a few years as I moved on to other things (and I got old dang it, if 40's old) so I can't comment on current goings on, But I'll leave you with this any group is usually a reflection of the members and those that choose to be passionate and put the time into an organization the CYFF is no different.


              Good Morning W****r,

              Interesting comments.

              But my observations are from a farmer's point of view.

              I note that FCC handles $9.7 Billion.

              That's a lot of cash. Makes bright boys itchy.

              FCC state they have had 10 years of portfolio growth.

              Farmers have had 10 years of porfolio loss.

              FCC is a very valuable member of the Kanata Research Park.

              Look up Kanata Research Park in this link:


              (You'll notice the childcare, toughgoofit.)

              just_wondering, you will find that
              Kanata Research Park, if you take the time to search in past Elections Canada results, was a contributer to Ralph Goodale's campaign and Reg Alcock's campaign in past elections.

              In fact, Kanata Research Park(KRP) "pooled" the money from the members of Kanata Research Park, which includes FCC, to financially support candidates across Canada, mainly Liberal, from my research.


              If you are a Liberal CWB Supporter, you will support FCC's $$>KRP>Goodale. A non-Boarder will object.

              I think I can figure out who I want to support, myself.

              $9.7 billion trickles out, unoticed, when you're having coffee at that meeting ("their treat")with the slick boys. Just keep your head up.

              But, I guess my main point would be this:

              During the past ten years, why hasn't FCC cut out political donations, and all the fancy facilities and lowered interest rates for farmers?

              Did they hear the farmer or ignore them?



                I took a minute and read a few other posts in here going back awhile it didn't take me long to understand that all you offer is complaints not solutions, if your under 40 you should think about joining CYFF it would do you some good to be around a group that is passionate about the industry and wants to learn more to improve it anf their own futures in agriculture not just sit around and whine about it day after day.


                  As I acknowledged, there will be farmers who will be pleased that Farm Credit Corporation seems to be a member of a group of contributors who hands out political donations.

                  How many farmers on Agri-ville thought FCC could be supporting political contributions? I never saw FCC's name on the political contributors list, but Kanata sure is.

                  Shouldn't FCC be up front about it?

                  Those, I fully admit, are my complaints.

                  My solution: FCC should NOT give political donations to ANY political party. In plain view, or surreptitiously.

                  I guess the point I tried to make and failed to make to you, was that FCC isn't listening to farmers like 'just_wonderings' joining what you call the "group that is passionate about the industry and wants to learn more to improve it and their own futures in agriculture".

                  If they were, they wouldn't be extracting extra dollars for a political donation taxation from him.
                  Would they tell farmers in the group, what they are doing?

                  I would presume all young farmers' messages to FCC would be "Jeez, we're going broke", NOT, "Hey, take another surcharge for politicians". Am I presumptuous?

                  I also presume from your comments, that you also support the CWB taking money from the pooling accounts to go to Liberal fundraisers in Winnipeg. I don't.

                  W****r, Government designed groups are often designed for Governments, and I will say it again, I look at it from the farmer's point of view.

                  The farmers.



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