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Land Rent

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    Jd4me.WOW, someday I hope I can be as successful as you, and look at everything in a positive way. Thanks for opening my eyes your're right this a great buisiness and it is my choice.

    I think after seeing the light now and how everything is going to be O.K., I'm going to get me every acre I can. Cowman, Ron where can I get some of this good land?

    Give me a break Jd4me save your sermon for someone else.


      One of my fellow CWB Directors just returned from the American Corn Growers Association (ACGA) annual meeting. They are concerned that the new farm bill will remove funding for the CRP program. The US government is trying to find ways of reducing its budget deficit. The CRP program pays $50.00 per acre.

      The US government is considering the removal of one billion dollars from the CRP program which would put 200 million acres back into production.

      The ACGA is doing an analysis which they say they will post on their website. The early talk is that wheat and corn prices will drop by something like 50 cents per bushel.

      What will that do to land rents here in Canada?


        Let us know when your farm sale is tough, because with your atitude it'll be sooner than later obviously and when it happens make sure you blame everyone and everything else it'll be easier that way.


          We've have ALL experienced the frustrations that many of us are voicing on this discussion. I know I have "budgeted" in Feb, ordered the seed, applied the fertilizer, sprayed the crops and then had frost cut up a perfectly good crop of wheat and canola one evening.(or dried out, or eatten out, or drowned out) Crop insurance doesn't come anywhere close to covering the input cost. Your bins are full of Fd Wht, and peppered canola. None wants it, and the bills still come in.

          If we're thinking about the cost of rent, thats just one cost that we should have some control over. Obviously we can't control fuel prices and we don't all get volume rebates like our "bigger" neighbours. We don't all have the best land, the best weather conditions, the best opportunities that may have come the way of generations before us, or the best of neighbours. Sooner or later we will all experience the shortcomings of nature and the business world. We just have to learn to deal with it as much as we can. Hopefully we can all survive in our part of world.

          The discussion is interesting, but the name calling and sarcasm that I'm seeing is only because of the stress I am sure we are all experience.

          Good luck everyone.


            PS tough

            Speaking of giving people a break, Give us all a break ,all you do on this forum is attack and whine, offer constuctive solutions or accept them but don't think you have a right to farm or to survive in a global industry thats going to get more competitive not less. You came on here asking the question then proceeding to atack everyone who took the time to offer some solutions or their thoughts, here's a solution go outside and do some work instead of wasting time on the computer, you're not willing to listen so don't ask.


              JD4me, you know what is the difference between you and me? I'll tell they're guys on this thread who shoot straight from the hip,Tom4cwb,Parsley,Lakenheath, to name a few.

              Then the guys like you who post your half long posts using big fancy words thinking your smarter than the rest of us. When you read my posts from topic to topic, I say the same thing always.I never change my tune.
              I spent all afternoon reading your posts from topic to topic you telling me you don't bitch HA. I will lash out if someone takes the first jab, I never said anything bad on here if you read it again you will see that.
              But you felt you should stand up and call me down because I said why are we always bitching on this site if we continue to pay premium $$$ for land. I stand by that.

              Just make sure when there is some aid this spring that you and Ron send your cheque back telling them you don't need it because you guys are still making good money, and your making so much money you guys will even pay more for land if thats what the market tells you to do. I mean it would be the honest thing to do right?


                Toughgoof it
                I'm kinda surprised you'd have so much time to sit all afternoon and read old posts, what with it being so tough on your farm. Sorry you think my posts have been negative, they're shining rays of sunshine compared to your contributions, I have tried to make my posts as thought provoking as possible, I have posted in defense of people when attacks were unwarranted but have I been overtly negative? NO. Have I questioned? Absolutely, in areas like Bio diesel and alternative uses for our crops which I feel we are going to have to see expanded to have any hope of having any kind of future for our industry.
                Most often when I posted I have pasted what I felt were interesting articles that might spur open and honest debate on interesting subjects that's what I feel the purpose of a forum such as this can and should be. Too often places like this become a haven for whiners and complainers that offer no positives and lash out at those that seek positives in the industry which is wrong, the positives are few and far between and should be sought after not beaten down. I take no offense from the fact you are obviously stressed about the state of the industry and the competitive pressures we are facing. Heck I'm stressed too ,I don't like the way the margins keep shrinking and we are continually forced to do more with less, maybe this farm where we're at will be around for this and the next generation and maybe it won't but I can throw my hands up in the air and choose to hate everything and everyone involved in competing with me and play the blame game or I can do my best to evolve and learn and stay positive and hope that with my management choices and with a little help from nature I'll have a viable operation to pass down to my son's.

                I'll send back my cheque if you do , shouldn't be too hard when it comes to NISA and CAIS as we never qualify for a payment.
                Though the NISA cheques have been nice now that we had to wind down those accounts.
                Oh Ya
                And I'm sorry my words are too big for you I'll type slower from now on. sheesh.


                  Interesting topic, I was surprised at the high rentals being quoted by some. I notice these Alberta cropland rental costs from Alberta Ag website for 2004

                  South – irrigated, average $72.37/ac (range $40-100/ac)
                  South – dryland, average $30.31/ac(range $25-45/ac)
                  Central average $33.85/ac
                  (range $20-50/ac)
                  North average $21.79/ac
                  (range $20-25/ac)

                  Not as low as some quoted in Sask but not as high as some quoted in AB by contributers either.


                    grassfarmer: I can sure understand how that central Alberta figure might read only an average of $33/acre. When you consider there is a very narrow band of good land/good weather throughout central Alberta it is very understandable? East central Alberta is sort of a desert at the best of times? West Central Alberta has a lot of grey wooded soils and can be frosty? In my own county, which runs about 68 miles east to west there is a fairly narrow band of about 30 miles where weather and good land come together to form good crop growing conditions? Too far east and you get into poorer soil/lack of moisture, too far west and you have poorer soils/risk of frost? But either side of highway two you have a very good crop area in the black soil zone?
                    One other thing I might note: We are in a sure crop area, as is Lacombe county to the north of us where Ron is? Literally there has never been a crop failure in this area...even in the thirties! My Dad told me if they had had chemical fertilizer and sprays in the thirties they wouldn't have even noticed it was a problem! I also note in 2002 we had a severe drought in most of Alberta? Most barley crops around here were still in that 70-80 bushel range and Metcalfe barley outperformed every other variety.


                      Vader, I don't understand why acres would go up in the U.S. if they cut their subsidy $50/acre.


                        I think the subsidy Vader is referring to is the payment to put productive land back to grass. The land would be broken and put back into grain production.



                          Don't get so worked up. I believe in freedom of speach. I have made posts on this site that maybe weren't the nicest, but I am passionate about farming and sometimes get worked up. DOn't start being like the pot calling the kettle black.


                            Lakenheath, Thanks for that.


                              tough-go-of-it. (I finally got it).

                              The 50.00 per acre is the Conservation Reserve Program, CRP. Farmers in the US apply to put their acres into this program. When accepted this land must be seeded to grass and cannot be used for any commercial activity other than perhaps hunting. They cannot hay the land unless there is an extreme feed shortage.

                              If the government cuts back on the CRP then the land will go back into production. Simple as that.

                              It's not a done deal but is being discussed as part of the 2007 Farm Bill.


                                50 bucks per acre per year?

                                (O say, can you see,)


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