No worries about the philosophical musings – wasn’t complaining – actually enjoyed it. Just wanted to get back to the question before Charlie told us to!
If you’d be happy with the limitations inherent in the old WGMP recommendations, assuming they would allow the freedoms you suggest, that’s fine by me. I’m not a farmer so I can only reflect on what makes you guys happy. My approach to these questions and issues has always been from a market effectiveness perspective. In other words, if that would make you happy, that's great – but in my view it (the market) could be much better than the WGMP recommendations would allow. And that's my personal philosophy!
Also – not sure that I share your concern for Ritter et al (and their collective sighs of relief)...
No worries about the philosophical musings – wasn’t complaining – actually enjoyed it. Just wanted to get back to the question before Charlie told us to!
If you’d be happy with the limitations inherent in the old WGMP recommendations, assuming they would allow the freedoms you suggest, that’s fine by me. I’m not a farmer so I can only reflect on what makes you guys happy. My approach to these questions and issues has always been from a market effectiveness perspective. In other words, if that would make you happy, that's great – but in my view it (the market) could be much better than the WGMP recommendations would allow. And that's my personal philosophy!
Also – not sure that I share your concern for Ritter et al (and their collective sighs of relief)...