Listen to me, Vader.
We differ. You call it "right and wrong". I differ. Is Catholic right and Baptist wrong?
I DO believe that the single desk needs to be sacrificed to satisfy the real economic needs of farmers. Farmers need money, Vader.That's the bottom line.
Every grain company reading this blog is well paid by farmers, because the CWB guarantees they are well paid before farmers get paid. Same with staff. Same with you. I don't begrudge paying well, and you know that, BUT farmers cannot pay because they are bleeding so many dollars they are to weak to survive.
It's a little like the last Easter Island inhabitant chopping down the last trees. Farmers are the last trees, and you defend more of the same. Keep chopping.
Don't dismiss my point of view, and proclaim it's not on the table. It is.
Instead, let's examine what charliep put on the table:
"allowing 500,000 tonnes to be sold outside the current CWB system"
Will the sky fall?
Has doing just that destroyed Ontario's marketing system?
If you read the newspapers and blogs, how many Ontario farmers are bitter and dissatisfied with that first opt-out option?
The most important question that you have ignored on this thread,that must be addressed, is, again, our very patient thinking-ahead charliep's:
"Does the industry need to think about a transition plan? What would the transition look like?
Right now, the ones with the most gravey to lose isn't the Board itself, nor the farmer.
We differ. You call it "right and wrong". I differ. Is Catholic right and Baptist wrong?
I DO believe that the single desk needs to be sacrificed to satisfy the real economic needs of farmers. Farmers need money, Vader.That's the bottom line.
Every grain company reading this blog is well paid by farmers, because the CWB guarantees they are well paid before farmers get paid. Same with staff. Same with you. I don't begrudge paying well, and you know that, BUT farmers cannot pay because they are bleeding so many dollars they are to weak to survive.
It's a little like the last Easter Island inhabitant chopping down the last trees. Farmers are the last trees, and you defend more of the same. Keep chopping.
Don't dismiss my point of view, and proclaim it's not on the table. It is.
Instead, let's examine what charliep put on the table:
"allowing 500,000 tonnes to be sold outside the current CWB system"
Will the sky fall?
Has doing just that destroyed Ontario's marketing system?
If you read the newspapers and blogs, how many Ontario farmers are bitter and dissatisfied with that first opt-out option?
The most important question that you have ignored on this thread,that must be addressed, is, again, our very patient thinking-ahead charliep's:
"Does the industry need to think about a transition plan? What would the transition look like?
Right now, the ones with the most gravey to lose isn't the Board itself, nor the farmer.