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American Corn Growers Association

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    American Corn Growers Association

    "ACGA urges Congress and the U.S. Administration to amend the U.S. international trade position to respect the democratic and sovereign right of family farmers of other countries to establish and maintain democratically controlled marketing institutions including so-called State trading enterprises (STE’s) with single desk selling, price pooling and supply management mechanisms. The ACGA believes that the destruction of marketing organizations that provide better livelihoods for family farmers of other countries will not benefit American family farmers but rather will further increase multinational corporate control of world commodities which in the long run will be harmful to American family farmers and ranchers."--Resolution passed by the American Corn Growers Association, Anaheim, CA, Feb. 2-4.


    Did we pay Art Macklin out of the CWB pool accounts $500/day plus expences to go down and do this to US growers?


      it looks like finaly figured out who big brother really is.


        We certainly did Tom.



          So we can thank Art Macklin for this resolution?


            The ACGA has thousands of members. I don't think they need Art Macklin to tell them what to think.


              It's a good resolution on the basis of letting a country decide whether or not a marketing system fits their own country and yet is within WTO rules set by all countries.

              Wonder if the same resolution would pass at a NAWG meeting?



                Western wheat and barley competes with US corn as livestock feed and the new growing ethanol industry.

                Inside Canada, feed and ethanol buyers have access to:

                1. US corn
                2. NON-BOARD wht/bly
                3. CWB wht/bly

                But in the U.S., feed and ethanol buyers only have access to:

                1. US corn, and
                2. CWB wheat and barley

                Anyone who believes Vader, sawfly and the CWB's claims about how much extra money the CWB is able to get, compared to farmers selling their own grain, has to conclude that the Canadian feed and ethanol buyers have a tremendus advantage over their US counterparts who can't access the "cheap" NON-BOARD feed and ethanol grains.

                On the other hand, if it is argued that BOARD and NON-BOARD prices are the same, then what is the benefit of CWB marketing? The answer of course is CWB jobs.



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