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CWB Sacks Hard white wheat in Canada

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    CWB Sacks Hard white wheat in Canada

    Hi guys.

    The funeral procession continues.

    The single desk speaks from the casket.

    THe CWB told the industry on Wednesday that Hard white acres will drop to 500,000 acres; from the planned 2,000,000 acres that were planned for 2006. I understand the Western Seducer had the acres even higher.

    Nice job CWB.

    Talk about burning bridges.

    Most of the I/P contracts for 06/07 are in the tank. Even Nexera canola @ $1.25/bus premium is virtualy a wash if you consider you have about a 50% chance of getting #1 and give up 20% yeild over a hi-bred.
    I had a bad feeling about the HWSW going the same way as the AC Karma program did a few years back.
    IMC canola has basicaly crashed, Cargil can not afford to keep two years worth of canola oil in storage tanks in the U.S. without a market.
    Linola contracts are not even out yet.
    So far most I/P contracts are not worth the seed expense to even consider.
    This is a bad situation, b/c I/P grains and oilseeds should have given the farmer the slight advantage we despertly need to actualy make a profit.



      I talked to Chairman Ritter this morning, he was going to tell me more this evening in Paradise Valley.

      Will report back later.


        the hard wheat IP contracts are just a joke 2.50 a tonne premium and the farmer has to store the grain until the Wheatboard decides that it wants to move it. I have also found Snowbird protein is over 1% lower protein that hard red. I have come to the conclusion that the world will not pay any more for higher quality wheat. And the board is just there to provide a bunch of civil servants with a cushy job at the expense of the peasant farmer. I for one have a bad taste in my mouth, with the boards marketing and will not consider any IP contracts with them until they can show that they care about us.



          I asked "single desk" CWB Director Allan Oberg last night about Hard White.


          The "single desk" CWB has a buying monopoly on hard white wheat.

          The "single desk" CWB ALSO HAS A
          S E L L I N G
          Monopoly on CDN Hard white;

          On this Very special quality of hard white wheat... that no one else on planet earth has.

          "Single desk" Mr. Oberg was not shy in stating that Hard white wheat yeilds more flour... and should be worth more money...


          The CWB simply

          than hard red prices.


          The CWB "Single Desk" Monopoly...

          Is worth...

          How much?


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