I was passing on the info as I recieved it. I don't know whether Mr.schell was privy to the CWB's cost on this or not. I would question why he should be, when we aren't, as it is our money.
I believe that all expenditures of all transactions that are not directly related to the sale of grain should be posted on the CWB web site. Open and transparent. We should be made aware of all endevors past, future and presant that the CWB is undertaking on our behalf. Accountability.
If the CWB is building weather stations, or what ever, with money from our grain sales I feel we have the right to be asked if this is where we want to invest our money. Furture more, it should be the most cost effective way of achieving the goals that it is set out to do.
If the CWB was open about ALL expenditures of our money I believe that a lot of questions and accusations, that we all have, would be answered and alleviated. If supporting a group of people to tour the port is going to increase my bottom line I say, go for it. Other wise I don't want to even pay a farmer relations wage to organize it.
With tight margins that we are faced with we are all scrutinizing our expenses and the CWB is one of our expenses. They have to expect to be scrutinized and questioned on each and every dollar that they are spending on our behalf.
You can be sure that at the end of the day our bankers and accountants will be going over our books with a fine toothed comb. I wonder what they would say if we told them that "I could have made that payment on my tractor, but I built a weather station in Frontier instead".
These issues have absolutly nothing to do with monopoly, single desk selling or dual marketing they have every thing to do with open, transparent accountability.
In my opinion, untill we are operating in a market place where our money after the sale is made ,at least, is all accounted for and is there for us to see where it has gone and that the industry, as a whole, is operating with integraty on our behalf using my commodities, so I can see the true value of my commodity then and only then can I or any one else, in my opinion, make a true judgement on the value of monopoly or any other method of disposition of commodities. Whether it be grain,cattle,pigs,milk,hay or goats.
Don't get me wrong I am not accusing anyone of miss managing or using my money. I don't have any records of how my money is being spent or what value I get out of it.
I would like to see them so I can make an open minded, honest opinion.
I believe that all expenditures of all transactions that are not directly related to the sale of grain should be posted on the CWB web site. Open and transparent. We should be made aware of all endevors past, future and presant that the CWB is undertaking on our behalf. Accountability.
If the CWB is building weather stations, or what ever, with money from our grain sales I feel we have the right to be asked if this is where we want to invest our money. Furture more, it should be the most cost effective way of achieving the goals that it is set out to do.
If the CWB was open about ALL expenditures of our money I believe that a lot of questions and accusations, that we all have, would be answered and alleviated. If supporting a group of people to tour the port is going to increase my bottom line I say, go for it. Other wise I don't want to even pay a farmer relations wage to organize it.
With tight margins that we are faced with we are all scrutinizing our expenses and the CWB is one of our expenses. They have to expect to be scrutinized and questioned on each and every dollar that they are spending on our behalf.
You can be sure that at the end of the day our bankers and accountants will be going over our books with a fine toothed comb. I wonder what they would say if we told them that "I could have made that payment on my tractor, but I built a weather station in Frontier instead".
These issues have absolutly nothing to do with monopoly, single desk selling or dual marketing they have every thing to do with open, transparent accountability.
In my opinion, untill we are operating in a market place where our money after the sale is made ,at least, is all accounted for and is there for us to see where it has gone and that the industry, as a whole, is operating with integraty on our behalf using my commodities, so I can see the true value of my commodity then and only then can I or any one else, in my opinion, make a true judgement on the value of monopoly or any other method of disposition of commodities. Whether it be grain,cattle,pigs,milk,hay or goats.
Don't get me wrong I am not accusing anyone of miss managing or using my money. I don't have any records of how my money is being spent or what value I get out of it.
I would like to see them so I can make an open minded, honest opinion.