Charlie, "complete feed" makes me suspicious, you were certain to repeat it three times. What about "incomplete feed" aka rolled barley, hammered wheat etc? In your answer you have skirted my point. Does the CWB track volumes sold through the EMF, it is after all issuing the licence. As we know any feed containing less than 25% wheat or barley does not require a licence.Your notation of "if any at all" is a laughable weak dismissal, please refrain from insulting my intelligence.The CWB should be able to report on the volume of feed leaving this country, outside of the pool, containing between 25-75% wheat or barley. That would be a question for Tom. It is a simple question, please don't bury it in vague numbers
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CWB and Export Manufactured Feed Agreement
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I can fax you a copy of the Export Manufactured Feed Agreement is you email me/you can interpret. Both my and Parsley numbers are also available on values/volumes are also available at the aggregate level. My only intention in highlighting the way I did is to make sure people are aware that the feed wheat/barley must be processed in some way (can't export raw seed) and mixed with at least a 25 % blend of some other feed ingredient. Policy issues I will let others discuss.
The Export Manufactured Feed Agreement form is available for everyone to look at on the following website
Click on the EMFA button. It is the only place that seems to offer producers a chance to look at it. "Search" at any other website has brought up a no-show for me. Strange there is no reference to it. Could Tom tell us where to find it on the CWB or Ag Canada websites? I must be a poor searcher.
Maybe they already spent all their budget on supper meetings and don't have the resources left to answer our questions?
My direct question is;
Is the CWB forced to issue no cost export licenses to feed companies at least in part to comply with the NAFTA regulations that require the price inside and outside Canada to be the same?
The Big Companies have the $$$ to go to the Nafta Panel and scream that the CWB is restricting trade. That is why we have the EMFA. That is why the CWB made the deal quietly so all those "dumb Designated Area producers" wouldn't find out that the big companies are buying up feed wheat and barley and exporting it. With NO buyback. The CWB doesn't bother marketing all that feed wheat and barley any longer because they have a NAFTA noose.
As well, for all you lucky DA farmers out there.....YOU are paying for the cost of someone in the CWB to fill out those licenses, to renew them, to file them, to copy them, to audit them. The money comes right out of your pool account, even though the CWB Act says it cannot. You DA's are denied the export license every time, but you get to pay for the licensing costs for the companies that are granted the license.
You'll love the way this system works, Rockpile. It comes straight out of the pooling accounts and you will be so pleased that a ' greedy farmer' is not cherry picking....of course, you won't mind the big corporations cherry picking, because the CWB has directed you to understand that this is 'supporting value-adding'. And your share of the pool might pay for, if you're lucky, a case of beer once a year.
Well we had an interesting meeting in Red Deer last night!
Earl Geddes emphatically denies that the EMFA has anything to do with NAFTA of the US Canada Free Trade Agreement!
That means that these sweetheart deals have been going on for over 14 years!
I expressed my disapointment that the CWB would think that this EMFA was just fine because it has been going on for a reeeeaaaaalllly long time.
Shouldn't I feel like a mushroom?
Tom $CWB, Did Earl Geddes explain why there is no informational material on the CWB website about the EMFA? (When it started? The rules? )
Did Earl Geddes give you a rundown on all these feed mills ( that are doing all this value-adding that thalpenny talks about) how much grain goes through them, location, average cost/bu paid to the farmer?
Did Earl Geddes explain why farmers that asked the CWB for a copy of the EMFA were not provided with one?
Did Earl Geddes address the fact that the administrative costs of providing export licenses to feed mills are all passed down to the producer by slipperying the money out of his pool account?
Did Earl Geddes tell you that every feed company that applies for a export license gets one, and every DA farmer is refused?
By the way, did Earl Geddes tell you he works for farmers?
You sure did ask many hard questions there!
I know one answer for sure, yes to the last one, I think he is in charge of relations with us!
I hope all this sinks in just a little, maybe the CWB would put farmers ahead of themselves and their control of elevator companies for once!
The fact is that controling people and institutions is very addictive, and a really hard habit to kick!
What do you think?
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