Almoy, when I'm not satisfied with the level of service from one company or even one particular elevator point, one of my favorite things to do to is to go and do business with someone else. I also make sure to tell the offending parties what I did and why I did it. It's quite amazing how losing business (even a small amount of business) changes peoples perspective on things. Don't just assume it's the size of a farm that is the only thing that matters. If a company knows they can jack a person around they usually will, but once they know that there are negative consequences they become allot more accommodating and easier to deal with. Farmers don't have that very important lever at their disposal with the CWB. I have had to pull this lever many times in the past and I’m sure I will have to in the future. What chaffmeister says is true, I know a farmer who reminded a particular elevator manager about the Canada Grain Act when he arrived with a load of canola and was told “go home, were not taking canola today”. They had to take the canola and they knew it, and he knew it.
Another benefit to open market and that one is exclusive to the open market.
Another benefit to open market and that one is exclusive to the open market.