Adam Smith:
Re: cost to build our handling system vs the US system.
Are you anti business? The handfull of companies that build most of out concrete facilities in the 90's are some of the most efficient contstruction/ contracting firms around. Cargill was so impressed, "They bought one of the companies" <just like Remmington shavers, ha ha.>
The W. Canadian system is new, modern, and should be running more efficiently than it is. We can segregrate more classes of wheat by variety, quality, etc than they can, we have cleaners in most facilites.
In the US they basically handle Corn, beans and wheat. Thats it. In Western Canada, the diversity of exportable crops grown far exceeds their's. They would have a hard time shipping green peas, yellow peas, feed peas canary, durum, cwrs, cpsr, cwhws, cwrs, canola, flax, linola, yellow mustard, brown mustard, oriental mustard, soybeans, corn to export or domestic postions. I think our system is well designed, with the exception of the bottlnecks in Vancouver, and the refusal of CN to allow CP to run cars up to Prince Ruppert.
Would you say we would all be better off it we bought our houses in the 50's at a much lower cost instead of buying a brand new, energy efficient house with all the conveniet amenities, rather than living in a run-down old depreciented asbestos ladden 50's home.
Re: cost to build our handling system vs the US system.
Are you anti business? The handfull of companies that build most of out concrete facilities in the 90's are some of the most efficient contstruction/ contracting firms around. Cargill was so impressed, "They bought one of the companies" <just like Remmington shavers, ha ha.>
The W. Canadian system is new, modern, and should be running more efficiently than it is. We can segregrate more classes of wheat by variety, quality, etc than they can, we have cleaners in most facilites.
In the US they basically handle Corn, beans and wheat. Thats it. In Western Canada, the diversity of exportable crops grown far exceeds their's. They would have a hard time shipping green peas, yellow peas, feed peas canary, durum, cwrs, cpsr, cwhws, cwrs, canola, flax, linola, yellow mustard, brown mustard, oriental mustard, soybeans, corn to export or domestic postions. I think our system is well designed, with the exception of the bottlnecks in Vancouver, and the refusal of CN to allow CP to run cars up to Prince Ruppert.
Would you say we would all be better off it we bought our houses in the 50's at a much lower cost instead of buying a brand new, energy efficient house with all the conveniet amenities, rather than living in a run-down old depreciented asbestos ladden 50's home.