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Largest Farm Auction in Saskatchewan

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    Largest Farm Auction in Saskatchewan

    SASKFARMER3 has a post in the rural forum about this auction. Very interesting I wonder if other auctions will be much the same.

    A little over $42,00/quarter for the land. 26 cents/bu for the big grain bins.


    For those that believe everything they read..

    Paper says this morning the land sold from $9,000 to 42,000 with most of the land selling for $28,000.


      Guys over here in Ab. think Ritchies got hung with a quarter....their mark in the crowd wasn`t as smart as they thought he was!!!!! Buyers beware!!!


        Sorry......in rereading my post ..."Ritchies got hung with a quarter"....that was an auction here in Ab.


          for land in that Yorkton/Stoockton area of the sale, what was land trading for by private sale - how far off was auction from where land has been trading in recent years???


            Hi everyone, made the drive form MB to sask (alittle over 3 hours) to check this auction out. A totla of 81 quaters went with the highest going for 42,000 and most selling for about 32 or 33. HOme quarter with 2 storey house (very new, don't thik old farmhouse here by any strtch) went for 63,000. I think the steal of the day was the grain bins though. Three brand new and I mean new (they were completed last fall and one never even held grain by the looks of it) were sold with two going for 32,000 and one for 22,000. All in all a very interesting day.


              So are you saying for those who are staying in farming, it is a buyers' market out there?


                Wd9, I think that is what MB is saying. The only problem is that a guy mabye staying in this year yet, but who has the money to buy anything?? Some older established farms yes. Younger farms it would be very tough, myself included.


                  Last fall in Melfot at 2004 CR 970 sold for $147,900. My buddy is the service manager for New Holland in the north and he said the New Holland boys were pretty embarrased that it went so cheap. This combine was in excellent shape with about 1800 hours. To me it looks like things are going to go very very cheap up here this spring, too bad I won't be able to cash in on some of these deals.


                    How much did the Combines sell for. The 2388's and the 8010's.



                      Also what I thought was a pretty reasonable price. 2388's were 157,000. One guy got three for that price. The 8010'2 went for around 200,000. I tihnk 205. Maybe our market is correcting itself in that if we can not get a reasonable return from the market those that sell us our inputs and capital equipment will have to lower their price or we simply will not buy anymore. We can always hope.


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