I guess the point is that the CWB monopoly was never intended for farmers!
A buy-back that extracts 15.00 a tonne out of the CWB pooling account is not the intent of section 45 of the CWB Act or of section 14 of the CWB Regulations!
In fact section 7 of the CWB act demands that CWB Act Section 45 Section 14 Regulation profits be returned to the Receiver General of Canada, not the pooling accounts of the CWB.
This is the point, the CWB is not being straight with farmers, grain companies, or the tax payers of Canada, in my opinion.
I simply bring this up to see if I missed something in the Statutes, since I can see no other logical reason why the CWB continues without a firm legal base to operate upon!
Some day someone will get all these issues before a Court of competent jurisdiction, and then maybe we will be able to solve these issues!
What do you think Chas, should the CWB do a reference to the Federal Court of Canada, and ask them to answer these questions?
I guess the point is that the CWB monopoly was never intended for farmers!
A buy-back that extracts 15.00 a tonne out of the CWB pooling account is not the intent of section 45 of the CWB Act or of section 14 of the CWB Regulations!
In fact section 7 of the CWB act demands that CWB Act Section 45 Section 14 Regulation profits be returned to the Receiver General of Canada, not the pooling accounts of the CWB.
This is the point, the CWB is not being straight with farmers, grain companies, or the tax payers of Canada, in my opinion.
I simply bring this up to see if I missed something in the Statutes, since I can see no other logical reason why the CWB continues without a firm legal base to operate upon!
Some day someone will get all these issues before a Court of competent jurisdiction, and then maybe we will be able to solve these issues!
What do you think Chas, should the CWB do a reference to the Federal Court of Canada, and ask them to answer these questions?