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VOTE on Parliamentary Investigation into CWB DIRTY TRICKS

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    VOTE on Parliamentary Investigation into CWB DIRTY TRICKS

    Vader, it is obvious from your Blah Blah Blah: AND Agstar77's comments;


    1. Do unto others as you would have done unto you,

    2. Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;

    * Do not infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and;

    * Keep all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally(and the maxims as included in Canada's Position at the WTO):


    It is obvious from CWB Actions;

    That these core values at the CWB have not been guiding CWB governance since 1998.

    Instead you folks at the CWB appear to hold contempt for these CORE VALUES.


    WHO VOTES for a Parliamentary Inquiry into CWB actions?


    1. CWB and AWB collusion on UN Oil for Food;

    The CWB knew about AWB Bribes, and, was involved in this issue according to the testimony at the Cole Inquiry. I believe there is enough evidence to warrant a Parliamentary investigation.

    Who Agrees?

    2. CWB 2004 Director Election dirty tricks;

    I submitted over 100 pages of evidence to the CWB. To the CWB Governance Committee that by LAW were required to resolve these election dirty tricks. The CWB simply filed these documents in file 13. NO RESPONSE.

    3. CWB Handling of Hard White Wheat (CWHWS);

    The CWB has cost “designated area” wheat growers millions of dollars specifically on the CWHWS since the election of the Conservatives on January 23, 2006. Before the election of the new government there was no indication to us as growers that the CWB was going actively limit the number of acres sown to CWHWS in the spring of 2006. The CWB appears to be politically motivated in this decision: this needs to be investigated.

    4. CWB interference in the 2006 federal election;

    The CWB knew from being convicted in the 2004 election of interference, that it had an obligation to remain neutral in the last 2006 federal election: Instead the CWB actively campaigned against the Conservative candidates. This was an obvious breach of Elections Canada Laws. An All Party Parliamentary Committee needs to investigate this; and insure it never happens again: IMHO.

    Now, Who votes for an investigation into these issues; what would be your priority?

    What is it about the latest CWB news release about the CWB being "Farmer Controlled" that really makes many people furious?

    What other issues need to be investigated?

    Effort better spent on why farmers are getting a smaller percentage of the food dollar and corporations more. You just want a good old fashioned witch hunt. Your buddy steve has pulled support for the railcar coalition. Talk about political interference and catering to the CP and CN. We don't need the ten commandments , just a little bit of honesty and good will from all sides. The rhetoric is getting out of hand, we should realize everyone should be on the same side or there won't be anything to quibble about.



      I take that as a NO; or do you care if the CWB is GUILTY as CHARGED?


        I like your question TOM4 and would vote yes to all of the above!!I certainly believe it is high time we had our Canuck version of the Cole enquiry.Agstar`s feeble diversion is just that!!!Kinda like saying we`ll put the Gomery enqiry on hold while we try to improve the legal system.....what a bunch of BS!!!!!


          agstar you said,

          The rhetoric is getting out of hand, we should realize everyone should be on the same side or there won't be anything to quibble about.

          What side would that be?

          The side where one size fits all, one decision fits all, the same outcome for all, the side where one group of farmers get to decide what everyone else should do and how eveyone else should spend their money?

          Or the side where individuals are free to make their own business decisions like markting decsions and spending decisions?

          The one side (my side) believes in the concept of live and let live, I'll stick to my knitting and you'll stick to your knitting and as long as we all keep within our boundries there would be no quibbling, right?

          The other side (your side) believes it is their god given right to tell other people what to do. It's the concept of busybodies run the show and if you don't like it, tough, someone else knows better than you what is good for you. And if you don't agree, well your an idiot. And if you really kick up a stink we'll just pass some law that will force everyone to do what we think is right.

          I'm thrilled that Steve has put the brakes on the rail car coalition, I never wanted to own rail cars or be responsible for them. Now thank god I won't be forced into it by some one who has zero regard for others opinions.


            AS, I would never invoke a deity to say I am right. I am not that presumptious. I'll leave those words for George W., Steve H. and others n this board I won't name. The side is survival of farming in Canada and provision of a decent return on labour and investment. On one continent we have the socialist war fearing europeans who want to support ag so they never face food shortages again. Will they cut subsidies and play by the rules? Never. Then there's George Bush and the Americans, will they give up cheap food and risk the political fallout? Never. Besides they consider food secuity important in there war on terror. Then there's us. Our fearless leader Steve will say all the right things to keep your votes but when it comes down to it the Golden triangle will rule all his decisions so he can get a majority goverment. After all it's about power. Dumping on the CWB doesn't seem like good use of resources. Unless someone has proof of criminal or malicious acts by Directors or employees of the CWB, I see no positive value for farmers for a witchunt. Clear enough for you?



              THere is enough evidence to call for an investigation... I will take that as a YES then Agstar.



                "Effort better spent on why farmers are getting a smaller percentage of the food dollar.." is a good initiative.

                Hartley Furtan would do well to have conducted just ONE study from our pooling accounts money determining what we really get at the farmgate and whether it is increasing or decreasing and what CWB factors influences the profits. And how the CWB $$pie is divided over a 50 year span, comparatively.

                In other words, what farmers put in their pocket.

                Furtan's studies have looked at everything BUT what farmers take home from the CWB.

                Measuring "CWB Producer Returns Shrinkitivity".

                You need to see it in black and white.



                  I was musing over your investigation idea and happened to recall what happened when there was an investigation into the alleged profits the Meat Packers were making when Bse was first discovered. Seems the Conservatives didn't want to force the packers to open their books, claiming it was confidential information that might harm their business. You expect Steve to subject the CWB to a higher Standard? Maybe in their weird logic they might. Of course there was no proof that anything illegal took place, nudge , nudge, wink, wink.


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