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Middle East; are bribes and kickbacks normal, like the CWB claimed?

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    Middle East; are bribes and kickbacks normal, like the CWB claimed?


    At the Stettler accountability meeting, CWB staff insisted that kickbacks were normal business.

    Here is an Australian view on this matter:


    "WHEAT FARMER: If it had have been the Americans, they would have said "That's the cost of doing business." There wouldn't have been any words said at all.

    JONATHAN HOLMES: But corruption is not the normal cost of doing business in the Middle East. At least according to one veteran of the international wheat trade. Clinton Condon is retired now. He and his wife Lorraine spend their time between Melbourne and the Gold Coast. As chairman of the Australian Wheat Board in the '80s and '90s, he visited Iraq several times.

    CLINTON CONDON: In the Middle East, of all the time when I was chairman for nine years, I was never, ever asked to pay kickbacks or bribes to anyone. In Iraq they were the same. No-one ever asked me or put any pressure on in the slightest way for any sort of kickbacks.

    JONATHAN HOLMES: For decades, Iraq had been one of the Wheat Board's best markets. It had plenty of money, little agricultural land and Australian hard wheat proved perfect for Iraqi bread. But then came the invasion of Kuwait and the imposition of UN sanctions.

    With its assets frozen, its exports of oil blocked, Iraq had no money to buy Australian wheat or anyone else's either. By 1995, when Clinton Condon last visited Iraq, sanctions were still in place. And the situation for ordinary Iraqis was getting desperate.

    CLINTON CONDON: They were blending barley with wheat flour. They were, you know, trying to put all sorts of rubbish in tea to make it go a bit further. And women and kids, little kids, were in all sorts of trouble. So walking down the street was nearly enough to make you cry."

    The question must be asked; did single desk monopolies facilitate the slide into corruption in the grain trade: because they have no set cost of sales... and are not transparent and were protected by governments in Australia and Ottawa.

    It is well known that Goodale's favorite pet was the CWB... and that he protected it like it was the blood and soul of the Liberal Party itself.

    What exactly did Goodale/CWB do in the Iraq issue, and why did they deny so carefully... that they were not involved at all?

    Marg Redmond (past CWB Legal Council for many years)and Bill Spafford are assumed to be principal CWB staff who dealt with this problem.

    Surprise... they are both retired now from the CWB!

    How much did the Chairman and CEO know?

    Why exactly did Chairman Ritter tell me in CWB debates during past elections; that if I had any clue how the AWB operated... I would not want to have anything to do with them?

    If the Iraq corruption had been stopped in it's tracks... in 2000 when the CWB and Canadian Gov. (Goodale presumably should have known as CWB Minister)

    Would, or Could have the Iraq conflict have been avoided?

    Shouldn't we take some responsibility as Canadians for allowing Saddam to become so arrogant... which pushed us into this war: as we were compacent in the scheme?

    Why doesn't the CWB have an audit... yearly...by the Auditor General?

    What was Goodale hiding?


    "JONATHAN HOLMES: So in late November, 1999, the first substantial cheque for inland transport - some half-a-million US dollars - was paid by AWB to Alia's account with the Arab Land Bank in Amman. From there, it was promptly transferred to an Iraqi account at the Rafidain Bank in Amman, and on to Baghdad. But just a month later, a development in New York City should have stopped the payments when they'd barely begun."...

    "It seemed the Canadian Wheat Board had been trying negotiate a sale of wheat to Iraq, and had been told that it would have to pay $700,000 - in advance - into an Iraqi account in Jordan to pay for inland transport. Was this alright, the Canadians asked. Well no, it certainly wasn't, said the United Nations. Well that's curious, the Canadians said, because we understand the Australian Wheat Board has already made similar payments. The Office of the Iraq Program's Executive Director, Cypriot diplomat Benon Sevan, had by now been banking the proceeds of his secret Iraqi oil deals for over a year. But the Canadian matter was handled by his Chief Customs Officer - one of the few UN officials to emerge from the Volcker Report with her reputation unscathed. Felicity Johnston was on secondment to the UN from the British Customs Service."...

    "JONATHAN HOLMES: The Canadian complaint may have been DFAT's best chance of stopping AWB's kickbacks to Saddam before they'd really get started. AWB's opportunity came just months later, when Andrew Lindberg took over as CEO and brought a new team with him."...


      Am still wondering why we can`t have our own enquiry here??Am thinking these donkeys are DIRTY too!!



        I see last weeks Western Producer says the Accountability Act will be amended to include the CWB.

        Denial isn't just a river in Egypt... it is alive and well at the CWB!

        Did you see the whole 2 part Ausie documentary Cropduster?

        Fessing up would have been much smarter than riding the pony of deceit till they got bucked off!


          No Tom4,didn`t see the Aussie stuff but am assuming your summation is 100% accurate!WE need the same thing here and have been on the horn to Ottawa saying the same.Just a slight bit of evidence needed and that river in Eygpt will be flowing to the fullest



            Take a look at:


            Cash Crop Part 1,

            and Cash Crop Part 2

            Watch the full version of the Four Corners program "Cash Crop", originally broadcast on April 10 and 17th, 2006.

            Kind of like 60 minutes or the 5th Estate type of program.

            Both Dialup and Broadband!

            Very interesting streaming video!


              Tom4 CWB,

              Did you look at the CWB reference on the Oil for Food Scandal at




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