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Alberta Biodiesel conference

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    Alberta Biodiesel conference

    Plan now to attend Biodiesel : Powered by Canola. Fueling our Future – a conference to kickstart the development and growth of a canola-based biodiesel industry in Canada.

    Come to The Westin Calgary July 17 – 18, 2006 to learn the basics, meet the people and plan the action to make it happen.

    For program information and online registration, go to:

    An initiative of The Canola Council of Canada and the Alberta Canola Producers Commission.
    Call toll-free 1-866-834-4378 or email: admin@canola-council.org.

    Can we request our checkoff dollars back and use them as our registration fee?


      OTTAWA -- The federal government is expected to announce plans tomorrow requiring all Canadian gasoline contain 5% renewables such as ethanol and biodiesel within four years.

      Environment Minister Rona Ambrose, Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn and Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl are scheduled to meet with officials from several provinces in Regina tomorrow to discuss, among other things, the Conservatives' renewables plan and how to achieve the standard by 2010.

      Ambrose told reporters last Friday she is focused on the issue as a first step toward cleaning up Canada's air.

      "My number one commitment right now is to deal with the domestic issues we have here, is to implement a domestic plan as quickly as possible," said Ambrose.

      Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are already moving forward on similar renewables content standards.

      Jeff Passmore of biofuels producer Iogen Corp. said it's important the federal government create a national standard in order to avoid a patchwork of differing gasoline blends from province to province.

      "We've let the government know there should be a national standard instead of a bunch of boutique standards," he said.


        IS the 5% amount doable, is it enough should the industry be happy with this or should 5% be a starting oint with a goal of 20% by 2020. 20 by 20 has a good ring and catch to it.


          My only problem with biodiesel is this: I have a hard time passing up McDonald's fries when I'm inside their stores. If every diesel truck (or tractor) I pass smells like fries, I'll have a hard time passing the the stores period. I'll weigh 300 pounds in no time. Then my doctor will "divorce" me like he's threatening to do with some of his other overweight patients! <grin>



            Five percent is a good starting point only if biodiesel is specified in the standard. If it is a combination of ethanol and biodiesel, the 5% will be filled by ethanol. In order for farmers to see any benefit from biodiesel, it must be made from something the farmer is growing, such as canola. Biodiesel from rendered fats and oils and used frying grease won't help farmers. It also will not perform as well as biodiesel based on canola oil. Thus a quality for biodiesel is key in order for canola growers to benefit from biodiesel development.

            As to your previous question of the levy; no, we will not apply your refund to the conference fees.

            Ward Toma


              I meant to say a quality standard is key. Sorry.


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