CharlieP...I think Chas is more capable of answering my question from the farmer's perspective. Chas, because he has a real vested interest here, has an opportunity to indicate if he as a farmer, approves of the following double standard that's clearly in place....
Tthe CWB secretly issues export licenses to multi-nationals, and the CWB openly denies licenses to the producer trying to value-add.
This was my question to Chas:
Do you think the CWB should continue allowing the feed mills to buy millions of bushels of wheat and barley directly from farmers, not pooling, and then issue no-cost export licenses to the mills. Alternately, do you think that the CWB should continue to tell "pasta" farmers that the potential pasta plant can buy their durum on the farm, but after they have manufactured the pasta, the CWB should continue to deny all export licenses unless they go through the pooling?
We're dealing with a principle here CharlieP, and you should be able to recognize that, but I'll respond to your comments after Chas makes his response. I would appreciate Chas, if you will share your thoughts with us.
Tthe CWB secretly issues export licenses to multi-nationals, and the CWB openly denies licenses to the producer trying to value-add.
This was my question to Chas:
Do you think the CWB should continue allowing the feed mills to buy millions of bushels of wheat and barley directly from farmers, not pooling, and then issue no-cost export licenses to the mills. Alternately, do you think that the CWB should continue to tell "pasta" farmers that the potential pasta plant can buy their durum on the farm, but after they have manufactured the pasta, the CWB should continue to deny all export licenses unless they go through the pooling?
We're dealing with a principle here CharlieP, and you should be able to recognize that, but I'll respond to your comments after Chas makes his response. I would appreciate Chas, if you will share your thoughts with us.