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Complexity of CWB Flat prices

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    Complexity of CWB Flat prices

    Dear Vader;

    Can you please explain how an average grower would go about comparing the "cash price" calculation between the PNW and CWB prices July 31 for old crop and new crop 06 harvest.

    CWRS and CWRW quality.

    You state that we must be simpltons if we think this is too complex.

    Is it even possible for you to come up with a accurate calculation... first try; without having a CWB sales expert tutor you through the calculation?

    nope - don't know what you are talking about. We don't have a "cash price" as you well know. We have a pooled price, a fixed price contract, a basis contract, an EPO contract, and a daily price contract.

    I didn't call anybody a simplton and if I had I would have spelled it simpleton.


      Why not offer a cash price that reflects a actually transacted sales prices? I can see issues around hard red spring wheat but I think there are alternatives in the other wheat classes. A daily cash price that reflects a international feed wheat value is an absolute necessity.

      What innovative things are in the pipe for barley? I recognize the guaranteed delivery contracts and 6 month pooling. Maybe the fixed price comes close to international values although there is still the sign period (Feb. to Oct.)in sprite of the fact there are two pools. I also recognize the malt barley fixed price/basis contracts.

      Are the above adequate to get market signals through on barley?


        Charlie, relying on the CWB to be inovative is like relying on a turtle to win the 100m sprint.

        Anyone with half a brain know that the only way for the proper market signals to reach the farm gate is for the buyers of wheat and barley and the growers of wheat and barley to be able to freely interact.

        The CWB is nothing more than a masive impediment to prosperity.

        And Tom, don't waste your passion on Vader or any other CWB person, the only people we need to be pleading our case to, is PM harper, CWB Minister Strahl, and the entire CPC caucus.

        Vader and Company gave up listening to people like you and I, a very long time ago.


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