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CWB Meetings

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    CWB Meetings


    Interesting that only "single desk" supporters are worthy of an opinion for your upcomming planning meetings.

    One of my freinds was called for the meeting in Red Deer. Offered $100 to come... then told his age group or whatever was full when he said he wasn't a single desk supporter.

    Central Desk planning for a Single Desk failure.

    You guys. You have a CWB Act you opperate and get your power from... you are responsible to everyone... not just your freinds that:

    Like the;

    "simple desk"

    The one that steals from the innovators and gives to the jealous marketers who want to keep their neighbour down!


    Is David Herle involved in this little Scheme?

    Who exactly contracted Opinion Research to put these meetings together?

    Who allowed these polling companies to get our phone numbers... and names... isn't this supposed to be protected information under federal privacy law?


      Now Tom4...could we expect anything less from these donkeys??I don`t think Vader and the likes have got the GUTS to answer your question truthfully!!I think it`s only in the bad `ol USA you can plead the 5th!!A better signal would be to follow the Aussie lead and resign!!Can`t wait for this FOI thing to be made legal....then maybe resignations will be more popular.....they can run....but they can`t hide!!!!


        Friend of mine was polled too. Went thru the motions, yadda yadda yadda. Offered money to attend a meeting. Asked if he supported single desk. He said no at the end of the interview; the interviewer then said they had their limit of 50 yr old farmers.

        Will make for good questioning at a Standing Committee meeting.

        Save your energy Tom. The WTO will do what you've been trying to do for 11 years.

        "You cannot parcel out freedom in pieces because freedom is all or nothing." - Tertullian 160 ~ 240 AD


          Vader........CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE????????


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