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Howard Government & AWB &Bribes to Iraq

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    Howard Government & AWB &Bribes to Iraq

    Government colluded with AWB to hide bribes: ALP
    Jane Williams
    July 9, 2006

    "NEWLY released documents showed the Government had colluded with the AWB and deliberately lied to the US Senate to hide the grain trader's kickbacks to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the ALP said yesterday.

    Labor's public accountability spokesman Kelvin Thomson said documents obtained by his office through Freedom of Information showed the Howard Government had assisted the AWB in dodging questions from the US Senate about $300 million in kickbacks paid by the AWB to the Iraqi government.

    The US Senate was investigating corruption in the United Nation's oil-for-food program and the AWB was the biggest single supplier of humanitarian goods to Iraq through this program.

    Mr Thomson said the documents showed the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) had co-drafted a crucial letter to US Senator Norm Coleman, chairman of the sub-committee investigating the UN program, and briefed AWB before and after its meeting with Australian ambassador Michael Thawley and Senator Coleman.

    Documents, including emails between DFAT and Australian embassy officials, also revealed that DFAT had intended to keep the list of topics for discussion between itself and Senator Coleman's committee "very general".

    "These documents show the involvement of DFAT and the involvement of the Howard Government in the cover-up," Mr Thomson told reporters in Melbourne yesterday.

    "There is no doubt that the Howard Government lied to the US Senate.

    "We looked the US straight in the eye and denied kickbacks were being paid.

    "I think [Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade] Alexander Downer should resign.

    "The AWB scandal shows that he and his department turned a blind eye to the kickbacks, with colossal damage to Australia's international trading reputation."

    Mr Thomson said the ALP believed the terms of reference for the Cole inquiry into alleged bribes to Iraq were too narrow and would not allow the necessary questions to be asked to reveal the Australian Government's full involvement in the cover-up.

    "The bribing of foreign officials is an offence under Australian law, so you can't say it's OK to bribe foreign officials . . . in the interests of Australia's wheat trade," Mr Thomson said.

    "Furthermore we were signed up to UN sanctions and these bribes were in express breach of the UN sanctions.

    "There's no doubt that in the US senate there is a very great grievance that we lied to them," he said.

    Last night the Prime Minister's office said it would not comment on the ALP claims.

    Source: The Sun-Herald"

    What is the Canadian Law on this matter?

    Is this why poor Wayne tried so hard to keep the CWB out of the Canuck accountability act????????


      what does this have to do with Canada


        You are kidding right Stubblejumper?


          Farmers 'to pay AWB bill for US lawsuit'
          July 11, 2006 - 11:19AM
          "Hard-working Australian wheat farmers will have to foot the legal bill as AWB defends a $1 billion class action by North American farmers, Labor says.

          American growers have filed a class action in Washington DC alleging the Australian wheat exporter used bribery and other corrupt activities to corner grain markets.

          The case will draw on evidence obtained by the Cole inquiry into AWB's $300 million in kickbacks to the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein and documents unearthed by a UN investigation into the oil-for-food program.

          Opposition trade spokesman Kevin Rudd said it was another instance of Australian farmers having to pay for the federal government ignoring warnings about the kickbacks.

          "This class action will now involve significant legal expenses by the AWB in the courts of the United States and who will pay that bill ultimately? Australia's hard-working wheat farmers," Mr Rudd told reporters.

          "This is a further indication of the cost that the country and our wheat farmers have to pay because John Howard, Mark Vaile and Alexander Downer didn't do their jobs."

          Mr Rudd said the class action was just another example of Australia's global commercial wheat interests being damaged.

          As well as the Iraq allegations, the American farmers' statement of claim accuses AWB of bribing officials in Pakistan and Yemen to secure wheat contracts and sabotaging the Indonesian market to shut out US rivals.

          The Cole inquiry has touched on the Pakistan allegations but has not delved into trading in Yemen or Indonesia.

          Mr Rudd said the Howard government had passed a law to prevent the bribing of foreign officials.

          "The Howard government has responsibility to ensure that our international legal obligations are upheld and had they done their job in Iraq this would not have happened in the first place," Mr Rudd said."

          © 2006 AAP


          How much does the CWB know about this?

          How much has it cost Canadian Wht growers?

          Is the protection of the "single desk" more important to the CWB... than stamping out corruption and creation of fair trade in international grain markets?

          Does anyone believe the CWB is ignorant of what has happened... ?

          Clearly the statements by Chairman Ritter and CWB staff in the Stettler accountability meeting this year prove the CWB does know.

          Remember the 24th Feb posting"

          "I asked at the Stettler CWB accountability meeting about the Iraq problem... what an interesting response!

          asked the CWB yesterday about the Iraq Oil for Food deal between the SWP and the CWB.

          I got a VERY unsatisfactory answers... particularily from Chairman Ritter.

          THe CWB's Brian Wittal went on for a little bit about how the CWB uses Agents of the Board to do Business with that part of the world... and that corruption was just part of selling grain in many parts of the world... which is... in as many words... why the CWB used SWP on this Iraq sale.

          Then Chairman Ritter angrilly went off on a rant about the CWB not having anything to do with Iraq... or any wheat sales to Iraq... that they had absolutely nothing to do with it... bla bla bla.

          All I want is the truth about this file... and Chairman Ritter WAS NOT telling me the truth!

          I believe it is time for an investigation."

          How did the CWB seduce the W.Producer not to print the CWB statements from that Stettler meeting?

          Doesn't CWB silence and refusal to come clean on Iraq involvement;

          After we have seen direct CWB/AWB contact on these very issues:

          Doesn't this mean complicity and involement in a scheme with the AWB to cover up and continue this type of "trade" in global grain markets?

          Isn't this the essence of "single desk" market power for the AWB and CWB?


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