July 19 9;30 Am Legion Hall Vulcan Ab.Understand one of the speakers will be Lionel Labelle,a Sakatchewan entrepeneur.Idea started by a local barley grower and grown by local development council.This will be an info meeting but can go wherever the interest takes it!Sorry for short notice!
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Why would MNP not have information made available now. Why wait untill Sept 5th? I can't believe that the web hosting could cost that much I understand about the phone line who wants to man a phone number that nobody will call untill later. but the website will probably the same as 2004 with dates changed. The whole election reveiw process was a waste of time/money as the recomendations were not implimented even with a 1 yr lead.
Any predictions about the number of permit books eligable to vote this time? and will this election be the one where turnout is less than 30% note the date I made the call here!
I would like to hear his presentation on relatively smaller plants < 25mil litres vs the huge ones I know he says it works but there are questions. I think that the smaller feedlot (poundmake model)integrated plants are the way to go, they seem to make more sense as far as draw area and not drying the distilers grain among resons such as rural development. should there be an minimum number of farmer investment $ are those $ there?
CP..the quote"you need solid leadership and direction at the top".......What tense are you talking in..present or future? Ritters press release where he talks about those attempting change as"denying reality"is a BIT over the top for someone supposedly chairing a 3.7B corp mandated by gov`t.This REALLY shows the IGNORANT,ARROGANCE of the CWB.
I would like to nominate Andy Sirski of grain news he is the publisher of a well thought of indipendant Ag news paper and would have a hanle on all issues Ag related he would know about the international grain markets and how they work as well as For-ex has demonstrated the ability to run many staff. the most important reason of all he seems to have a little money of his own that he has made on his own, this director position would not be his best job, as in the case of other farmer elected directors.
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