Hey, WRAPper, I was eating dust this past weekend, too. Combined one field of AC Lillian that yielded about 26 or 27 bu/ac. Field right next to it the field was 1/2 Lillian and 1/2 AC Abby. Yield was 14 or 15 - due to unavoidable problems - seeded two weeks later
Most noticeable, though, there was a noticeable difference in appearance of the Lillian - fewer shrunk kernals - compared to the Abbey in the same field.
Boy, could I have used a slurpie while I hauled grain. My city-nephew - planner for the City of Calgary - ran the combine.
Most noticeable, though, there was a noticeable difference in appearance of the Lillian - fewer shrunk kernals - compared to the Abbey in the same field.
Boy, could I have used a slurpie while I hauled grain. My city-nephew - planner for the City of Calgary - ran the combine.