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Try it again new program Idea

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    Try it again new program Idea

    Somehow this got bounced, maybe something in the system that doesn't allow you to come up with new work for Lee and Charlie.
    Just was thinking during this very warm weekend hauling barley off the combine and I decided it would be good if Provincial AG. employees spent their weekends wandering the countryside with frosty cold barley derived beverages. Lee can do thesouth and Charlie the stuff north of Red Deer.
    Yes I know my mind is starting to go(more) after a few weeks of the harvest. Interesting harvest so far. Some surprises and some disappointments .

    Oh better say something marketing wise, some 4.00 Sept delivery bids on yellow peas in Southern Alberta.


      I like the idea but only if someone supplies a driver.

      Down to Calgary and amazed the amount of progress along QE II and Highway 21. 30 degree temperatures over the next couple of days will keep the wheels turning.


        Should explain why I came up Highway 21 and put a plug for a value added agriculture enterprise. I stopped off at Field Stone Fruit wines (10.5 km south of Strathmore on Highway 817) to pick up some product. Would recommend trying their fruit wines.



          So WRAPper, were you taking off malt or wannabe-malt barley or feed? Charlie and I have become very sophisticated liquid barley consumers and potential deliverers. We'd only be willing to deliver the very best. And if, as Charlie suggested, we had a driver, there might not be much actually delivered to combiners!!


            Mr Melville

            Sophisticated huh?
            I'll give you a hint if you want any beverages made with this stuff you'll have to get on a plane and go to Japan.
            All done with the itchy stuff except for some green areas now for the peas and the rest, you'll note that the peas are done after the malt barley. Do you know why???


              WRAPper, I can't say for certain why you did the barley first but probably has something to do with quality maintenance.???


                Oh, one more thing. The only Mr. Melvill I know is 30 years older than me and he spent Sunday teaching my 9-year-old how to drive a manual trans in his 1948 Chev one-tone.


                  No excuses for you for not at least bringing me a slurpee you were about 10 minutes away when you were buying your expensive rasberry juice.
                  I'll take a raincheck if I ever get off this island.


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