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Canola Oil in 2006

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    Canola Oil in 2006


    I delivered a load of Canola (wouldn't fit in the bin)to Agpro and found they test every load for oil content... this one was 47.6%.

    It was LL5020... seeded May 22, harvested @ 6%mt August 29. 1.4% green. Swathed 14 days...

    84 days from planting to maturity... was about 50% seed colour change when swathed. We lost about 10% to army worms... didn't want to nuke the good guys.

    Mid 30's

    Now that is impressive performance!

    Just waiting for IP specialties to come anywhere close to this!

    The amount of sunshine (length) I believe determines oil content which is why the Peace has generally higher oil content than ours. Our best customer, the Japanese, will be oh so happy with a higher oil content. Just hope the heat at swathing won't make the chlorophyll too high. High overnight temps affect the Iodine value which affects mayonaise production. It would be nice to have a great quality product to market.

    There should be huge promise in the HOLL (high mono-unsaturated, high stability) canola's given the TransFat task force recommendations to reduce trans in food and not to simply replace them with sat fats. Specialty markets are still in their infancy, but I am sure will have a bright future given the correct healthy food policy yet to come.

    That is a very high oil content.

    What kind of yields are people seeing? Think we will have an 8 million tonne crop?


      not much canola has been done in our area, however, what has been done is a pleasant surprise. Camrose, and east and south, yields have been over 40, some 45, even heard of 47 on a quarter section. we were hoping for 35, and if really lucky 40, but 45 is great.


        I'm hearing 35 to 45 bu/ac NE Edmonton. Big white combine took out lots of acres Tuesday night, canola that was dry ready to harvest. All these white windrows of canola - pretty ugly sight.


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