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New CWB Director

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    New CWB Director

    News release
    OTTAWA, Ontario, September 15, 2006 - The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), today announced the appointment of Ken Motiuk, a strong supporter of marketing choice, to the Board of Directors of the CWB.
    “Mr. Motiuk is an extremely competent individual with a wealth of hands-on experience in the grain industry and I am pleased he has accepted this appointment to the CWB Board of Directors at this important time,” said Minister Strahl. “As we move towards a new marketing choice environment, the CWB will benefit from directors like Mr. Motiuk, who will work to ensure the Board remains a strong and viable marketing option for farmers to choose in the future.”
    Mr. Motiuk holds a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics from the University of Alberta. He has extensive experience in agri-business and owns and operates grain and livestock operations near Mundare, Alberta. He is currently a director of the Alberta Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation and a Member of the Fiscal and Regulatory Committee of the Alberta Economic Development Authority, as well as the Institute of Corporate Directors.
    Canada’s new government remains committed to moving forward on its promise to provide farmers with a choice in how they market their products and will do so in an open and transparent way. For information on the new government’s path towards marketing choice, please go to: www.agr.gc.ca.
    A biographical note is attached.
    For more information, media may contact:
    Media Relations
    Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    Ottawa, ON
    Jeff Howard
    Press Secretary
    Minister Strahl's office

    Who does he replace?


      Ken doesn't have to replace anyone according to the website there are two vacancies in the pool of 5 appointed directors, likely to be another pro choice director sooner than later.
      I wonder if I should email the directors (and chairman)that I've discussed my dislike for the appointment policy in the past and ask them if they still support this way of doing things. I've always disliked this way of political interference ,the excuse I was given was that with the government guarantee's they had a right to be involved. I never bought that and wanted to see outside directors brought in and selected through a confirmation type system.


        Ken's a mover and shaker. Can't do anything but help in the future direction of the CWB. The board wouldn't be in such poor shape if there were a few more on like Ken.



          I second that motion!

          I can't think of a more qualified person to fill the vacant position.

          Hopefully this will encourage high quality people with innovative business spirits to run in the election this fall!

          We must have the CWB begin to plan a productive future... instead of planning to commit suicide.

          Minister Strahl; Thank You!

          God Bless Canada!


            This is a good move by Strahl. I have had a chance to meet and chat with Ken at an industry event and he is bright, capable, and forward thinking individual commmitted to a positive future to agriculture. Better yet he has significant direct personal investment as a primary producer of which I beleive is his primary source of income.

            This would be far better than some banker, lawyer, or nonfarmer appointment as is sometimes the case in for these appointed positions.


              This move is more about controlling the CWB and hastening it's demise. There are enough farm representatives on the board. What is needed is expertise outside of agriculture. Minister Strahl and his henchman Anderson. want destroy the CWB but don't want to take the political flack for it.


                you make a good point, we may need someone from the outside of agriculture with a knowledge of global markets and who sees the efficency free and unfettered trade..the transparency of widely traded and open markets....

                ..the interest in the election is low because the process is a farce....where is the electoral reform that was talked of....i was told by one producer privy to some of this review that if they took producers off the voting list that sold less than 100 tonne of wheat in the past crop year they would cut the elegible voter list in half....

                The flack Strahl and company will get if they do not bring about change and a critical review of grain marekting in western canada is far greater than they will ever recieve for promoting change to our system....they won a clear majority of the grain producing ridings in western canada on a platform of change in how we market our grain....

                so yeah..... lets bring to the board some of expertise from Bay Street, maybe some finance and trade expertise from the faculties of business of our prairie universities then lets hear what they have to say....


                  They were elected on a platform of change but not necessarily destroying the CWB, but that will be the outcome if their plans are carried out. It's strange change did not extend to the railways and the grain handling system where farmers know they are getting the short end. The elimination of the CWB is a philisophical point not a dollars and cents argument.


                    you think destroy, I think change, it is a matter of opinion..

                    ...my take on the CWB's recent plans for change are a joke.....let farmers decide for themselves if they want to particiapte in pooled pricing or not......and do not give me the pitch about the new pricing options and choices we have been offered, I have used them since their existence and frankly they still do not compare in transparency and efficieny to the means by which I market my non board crops like peas, canola and oats......

                    as for railways and grain system, those changes will occur only when the system becomes more commercial and transparent in nature.....the rail lines are private enterprises in the business of earning profit for their shareholders...grain companies the same ...no diffent than my farm except that my wife and I are the only shareholders i worry about....I seem to have no problem getting shipping and cars and market prices for my peas, canola, oats and cattle but on the other hand we carried last years crops of high quality wheat right into the new crop year....right past some of the strongest milling wheat markets in recent history...

                    you are right, in the end much of the debate is seated in ecomonic and political philosophy....those who beleive in centrally planned and regulated economic acitivity versus those that want a free market with freedom of choice, market efficieny and free movement of capital...and if that is not about dollars and cents what is?

                    ...I would rather be at the mercy of the markets, just like I am the mercy of the weather and my maker, than have some psuedo bueracrats making a fixed salary selling my grain and suffering no ill consequence finaincially when they underperform or bonus when they actually perform..

                    .....and then they use my pooled account money to finance their own self preservation lobby, the bull with no nuts....... this is perverse as it gets and we should not have to accept this crap.....

                    so good on Strahl for making some moves, for constructive debate with the prospect for real change, and for guys like Ken that are willing to take the challenge and make the sacrifices of time away from his family and business to promote change and constructive evaluation for the benifit of farmers......IMHO

                    ..there enough ranting for the day..it quit raining and snowing and time to get my butt out of the office....


                      Farmers never re-elected Ken to the board of directors of Agricore United and now he gets appointed to represent farmers on the cwb. Wow!


                        I agree with Northfarmer, and as one wise man said - "change is good donkey"



                          Ken was an outspoken conservative at AU, especially in fiscal matters.

                          Often this upset management, and from what I saw proves the point/reason/need for an appointed director;

                          A record of being skilled, uncompromising when it comes to principal; and willing to stand for the truth: behind the principals we are giving our lives to defend.

                          A perfect fit as someone who has seen the corporate side of grain politics... KEN.

                          Yet Ken is willing to sacrifice his family and farm business to represent all "designated area" growers...

                          Being responsible to the CWB minister to fairly judge CWB performance...

                          With an obligation to better CWB marketing performance... in the interests of all Canadians.

                          God Bless you Ken; I don't envy your responsibility!


                          Perhaps a time of proving would be appropriate... allow Ken a few months on the job before condeming his skills; this would be, fitting.


                            Are you implying A.U. is not right wing conservative? Why didn't Ken run in aproducer election? This is purely a political appointment.The appointed directors have been appointed for specific expertise in the past. Not because they believe in a certain way of marketing grain.



                              you are a funny person!

                              ross keith was not a political appointment by ralph goodale?


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