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CWB prices for Wheat FLAWED... Just give us our no-cost export licenses!

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    CWB prices for Wheat FLAWED... Just give us our no-cost export licenses!


    I see again this week that NS/DNS 13.5 and Ord./11.5 HRW wheats are at the same export values $195/t PNW.

    How can the CWB continue maintaining a $40/t discount on CPS to CWRS with this type of price pattern in our export markets?

    How can anyone believe the CWB is "extracting" a premium for growers in the "designated area" when proof is clear they clearly are simple discounters.

    I read the CWB defence in the w. seducer this week on w.w. princing.

    It is frankly pathetic... to bring our high quality winter wheat product into disrepute to justify a failure to work in the interests of growers they are supposed to be maximising returns for!

    Here is what is quoted of Ward Weisensel:

    "Generally" (a word which entitles deception and misrepresentation) 1CWRW has lower protein and lower consistancy of quality than typical U.S. HRW...

    THen Mr. Weisensel counterdicts himself by first;

    "This Canadian base grade does not reflect returns for CWRW Select wheat... which has been bred for improved consistancy, quality and customer acceptance."

    "The Select Program does not include CDC Falcon, which has inferior characteristics and was grown by only one percent of Alberta winter wheat producers this year."

    So obviously 99% grew select varieties! Of the better quality!

    TO trash our CWRW class... after sprout and HVK have been tightened so much... so as to bring them up to CWRS standards... is unfair.

    Further... just try to get a shipment on the select IP CWB program... it was not offered because the regular CWRW class was the only shipping allowed at the elevators I talked to trying to accomodate winter wheat this harvest season.

    And elevators will not bring in these IP special wheats without confirmed CWB shipping.

    So Generally we grew the select varieties... couldn't access the CWB IP select premium... and gave our winter wheat away.

    For the CWB TO say that there is no premium the US market, that the CWB proves no benefit exists because no winter wheat was exported through the Daily Price Contract...

    Is an insult!

    Is a proof that the program failed!

    And indicates arrogance, lack of compassion, and disregard for those serfs ("designated area" growers) Mr. Weisensel rules.

    Just give us our no-cost export licenses... and we will see who is right...

    CWB You say our wheat is no good!

    Then you have done enough damage... let CWRW and CPS go... since you say it is substandard and just gets in your way!

    Hello Tom, I read this too from Mr. Weisenesel. But it looks like there is a ligth at the end of this old tunnel. We know the facts, but 95 % of our collegs seem to ignor them because it is a subject they do not understand, I mean marketing of their top quality grain.

    They know about seed, fertilizer, equipment and so on, but nothing about squezzing more $ out of their sales of #1 wheat and they are afraid.

    Fact: CWB does sell grain through 'aggredited traders' for lets say $200/MT, deduct us all the cost and give us the left-over $120/MT. They trader then sells this grain to the buyer in Japan or where ever for $240 and covers with the $40 all the losses he makes in his unefficent operation.

    When we become free, we can demand higher prices and look for more options, one would be selling directly into Montana, as a handfull of farmers with a address in Montana allready do. This market is big and rigth on our doorstep and in reallity, the US people do not mind buying our grain and exporting their lower grades to someone else.

    Give us freedom and lets have it soon.


      I'll highlight the difference in the PRO and the daily price contract. The difference between 1CWRW and 1CWRS 13.5 if $25/tonne, less than $45/tonne on the August PRO (this may narrow in September). The DPC more fully reflects US markets. Also need to include the IP premium ($10/tonne), plus interest and any special programs the grain you signed up with pays. Still doesn't come close to the even money you talk about.

      None of the CWB contracts reflect the value to the customer or price paid by them - rather they reflect the CWB determined value of winter wheat relative to other classes over the course of a crop year. The daily pricing contract process is cleaner (although still not visible) in reflecting US values.


        3:36 AM is a little early to get lucky at your age Chuck....



          You think the CWB/wheat politics... and sex are a likely combination?

          Wow... you have a good imagination!


            I only wish. More likely a cold and waking up hacking.


              I was thinking the old sitcom, Alf and the cat Lucky.

              Tis you gentleman that have the vivid imagination.


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