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Bags and Containers outside wheat monopoly

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    Bags and Containers outside wheat monopoly


    "Australian Regulator Eases Wheat Export Curbs a Tad

    CANBERRA (Dow Jones) -- Australian regulator Wheat Export Authority late Thursday slightly eased its tight controls over shipments in bags and containers.

    From Oct. 1, the authority will double a shipping period for export consents to 24 months for niche markets and 12 months for non-niche markets, as recommended in a review in 2004.

    The changes will provide exporters with increased opportunities to develop niche and other markets for Australian wheat, Chairman Tim Besley said in a statement."

    Do you have these recomendations from 2004 Mallee?


    I see this:

    "UN official changes tune over AWB
    Email Print Normal font Large font September 20, 2006 - 6:44AM

    The United Nations' chief corruption investigator says he now believes Australian wheat exporter AWB Ltd deliberately rorted the Iraqi oil-for-food program and lied to his investigators over it.

    In a forthcoming book, reported by Wednesday's The Australian, Paul Volcker says there is a "strong likelihood" that AWB Ltd always knew the $290 million it funnelled to a Jordanian trucking company was for the benefit of Saddam Hussein's regime.

    Mr Volker makes his comments in an introduction to a new book, Good Intentions Corrupted: the Oil for Food Program and the Threat to the UN, which is due for launch at the UN in New York on September 30.

    The Australian's reporter writes, however, that the newspaper has obtained a copy at a New York bookstore.

    AWB is under investigation over $290 million in kickbacks to the former Iraqi regime.

    On Monday, the federal court pre-empted the report of the Cole inquiry by ruling AWB had "deliberately and dishonestly" conspired to defraud the UN.

    His comments represent a major shift for Mr Volker, who in October last year concluded in his final report to the UN that there was "no evidence" that AWB was willingly involved in the kickback scam, although several employees "should have known", The Australian reports.

    Mr Volcker criticises the Australian government for failing to detect and stop the rorting, but he praises the government for setting up the Cole inquiry."

    © 2006 AAP



      Tom they did indeed extend shipping period persay but they didnt authorize any extra export so its all a load of bs.
      If the AWB think these niche markets may be important to them in the future even if not selling into the market at present the AWI will not veto any exports.
      In indonesia an australian company owns a 70% share in a flour mill and AWI would not allow the company to export aust wheat to its own flour mill it had to buy i believe black sea wheat that should explain how much wheat they allow to get exported outside the awb net


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