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World Prices for Wheat

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    Glad to have you back!

    On CPS prices and basis;

    Do you know why the basis is so wide on CPS?

    I have talked to many who are about ready to sacrifice any good will built by the CWB over the past 50 years... as the basis on Fixed Price Contracts makes no sense at all.

    Is this an intentional direction by CWB Directors, or just caos?

    I hope you folks realise the damage being done... each day that goes by you seem to be more out of step with commercial grain growers.

    What's up with this?



      Some of the issue around weak basis has been answered today with the higher CPS PRO. $21.46 under Dec. KCBT versus $28.93 yesterday.

      Vader - I see the CWB highlighting the current pricing options again today in a price release. I have to note the risk in spreads around PROs and the implications of using initial payment spreads. I have to question the value of PRO's in the current environment. Why not just post a fixed price/daily price that farmers can use as a signal. The other issue is to use market based spreads versus payment ones.



        It is obvious the CWB is up to the old tricks... reward those who pool... and ignore the PPO flat worlders.


          I am not a fan of the PRO's. I wish we could do without them.



            Perhaps you could say that to yourself in the mirror... three times.

            Why do you think you posted it?

            The Denial of the CWB to deal with real and urgent issues... lack of transparent pricing signals, failure to participate in the future building of the blueprint for the Corporation's well being... are a poison pill that could well be deadly for this organisation.

            What ever happened to CWB Director's responsibility to respect growers the CWB serves...

            "Single desk" excuses are an old cop out.

            We all know they distort the market place... that is the reason for their existance in the first place.

            In the end market power earned and deserved should determine market share of a company... NOT the threat of jail time for trying to do better and make a living.

            Have another look in the mirror Vader...

            Then ask: why did CWB Directors just made the biggest mistake of their lives?

            AWB execs crying before their sentencing... prove "single desk" corporations; have lost the good will of the general public that must back the legislation for then to survive.


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