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here we go again

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    here we go again

    Shipped a producer car of CWRS in August. It unloaded at Thunder Bay on Aug. 14th and to this day I have not received any returns from the CWB.I atempted to contact the producer car dept at CWB but can not get past the respondant at the 1-800 number. Spoke to our area rep and gave him all the info and never received a reply. Where do I go next?


    One should think your director would be responsible to help smooth out these problems. A no brainer I know.

    Does the CWB pay interest upon delivery or unload...? I should think they would as they pay the elevator agents from the day the initial payment cheque is issued to the grower.

    I would hope the CWB would treat growers at least as well as agents...

    Which should mean payment of statutory interest from confirmation of a car being allocated till the issue date of the cheque... plus 5 business days to clear the cheque.



      Try calling your CWB farm business rep
      for your area. I know the one in our area is very effective. Phone the CWB
      if you don't know who your rep is.


        No comment other than to ensure at least some of the correspondence has been some form of written. Could be a fax. Could be an email. Could be a registered letter. In all cases (including the fax and email), I would make sure I obtained a reciept indicated the correspondence had been sent/recieved. I like a paper trail verus simple phone calls.

        If you have a service complaint, then contracting the local CWB director is a way to go. All the information on the farm business representatives (including the regional offices) and directors is on the CWB web site.



          Also contact the Cdn Gr Commission Assistant Commissioner for your area.

          You can find them listed at:



            This has been an on going problem since theCWB got involved with issuing the cheques for producer loaded cars. I had a long dicussion with our area director last winter and he assured me that steps had been taken to rectify the problem. NOT... My discussions with our business rep were person to person and he was surprised that was a problem.I guess my next step is to contact the CGC just like I would do with a delinquent grain company.


              Further to your question of interest--- It is only paid while the grain is in transit.


                Let the bells ring out and the banners fly----my cheque was in the mail today---no explanation or apology for the delay --- oops sorry I am talking about theCWB here and they answer to no one.


                  food4u, I have a couple of questions, if you wouldn't mind.

                  1. Did you contact the Canadian Grain Commission to see if they could help?

                  2. Who was your contact at the CWB when your payments were late?

                  3. Canada Post may keep your cheque stored in a brand new steel bin somewhere until they turn the aeration off and get the auger started. I'm told that's why bins are hard to come by. Canada Post has bought up a bunc of 'em! Grin.


                    Contacting the CGC was my next step if the cheque had not arrived wehen it did.I had spoken to our area rep.(business rep--what ever their official job classifcation is).This discussion was in person because he was at our local loading facility one day when I stopped there.


                      When I discussed this problem with our director last winter I finally got him to admit that theCWB cheques are not made up in Winnipeg but at their banks head office in Toronto. This answers part of the problem but 6 weeks after unload is just unbelievable. I am sure the CWB staffs pay cheques do not take this long. I am also sure that the major grain companies do not wait that long for their money on grain that is bought CWBs behalf.


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