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Liberals Propose changes to CAIS

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    Liberals Propose changes to CAIS

    Check out the ag news for Liberal proposals for Agriculture. Maybe Chucky should pay attention or is he too busy trying to get his supporters to write letters to the editors supporting him? Excuse I meant getting ad agency consultants to write letters for them LOL. News release is in the Agri-ville news links.

    Bring on GRIP 2 (its been over 10 years since GRIP 1 died). Actually is worth looking at:



      Charlie, is there any way so that when a link is posted, as above, that it can be clicked upon rather than cut and paste?

      Many newsgroups do this so it is possible.


        Agstar What letters?


          Charlton communications was asked by the government to write letters to the editor , supporting their position on the CWB, for members of the Wheatgrowers. They would in turn send them in as if they had written them. It was supposed to counter so-called propaganda put out by the CWB. I guess the Conservatives don't think the WCWG members are competent enough to write their own letters. This just proves the whole CWB issue is a smokescreen for the Conservatives inaction in fixing CAIS or dealing with the real problems in agriculture such as input costs and transportation.


            wd9, what you are asking for is a "hot link". In the past I have talked to the Agri-ville people about allowing hot links in posts but they are very hesitant for technical reasons. They say that it's reasonably easy for nasty people, like Charlie and I or, maybe, WRAPper or Tom4cwb, to hijack a web site and use it for unpleasant things.

            However, I will contact the Agri-ville mayor and see if new technology has changed that.


              I resemble that remark lee.....


                Hmmm hot link to naughty commodity traders .com I'll have to put that on my lists of things to do.


                  For Grip 2 go to


                    Here the news release
                    Not picking sides but nice to have a vision now boys where was it all the years you were in office? And just thought it would be easier to see it here.

                    Liberal Caucus Unveils its New Plan for Canadian Agriculture
                    September 25, 2006
                    Ottawa – The National Liberal Caucus today recommended that a new plan be implemented to help farmers face the new realities created by the collapse of the World Trade Organization (WTO) talks.

                    “Based on discussions with farmers across Canada, it is obvious that a post-WTO plan needs to be implemented to help Canadian producers deal with the new economic and policy realities they face,” said Liberal Opposition Leader Bill Graham.

                    Domestic programs and policies adopted over the last few years were based on a WTO result that would reduce domestic support, increase market access, eliminate export subsidies and maintain our supply management system as well as the Canadian Wheat Board.

                    “The Conservatives have to act now to pursue initiatives that will secure the future and profitability of Canadian producers,” said Liberal Agriculture Critic Wayne Easter. “Our plan provides a road map to sustainability and, we believe, a future for the Canadian family farm.”

                    The new Liberal post-WTO plan for agriculture proposes the following initiatives:

                    Financial Support
                    Eliminate the three-year averaging under the Canadian Agriculture Income Stabilization Program (CAIS) and restructure the program using a cost of production formula.
                    Create a separate disaster relief program.
                    Federal support for provincial companion programs to address commodity and regional specific needs and to assist farmers facing unfair competition from subsidized imports, such as the Risk Management Program proposed by the grains and oilseeds industry in Ontario.
                    Increase investments in ethanol and biodiesel production.

                    Support for supply-management and the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB)
                    Maintain and strengthen the CWB.
                    Launch an Article 28 process under the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) which would allow Canada to renegotiate its tariffs to protect the import pillar of supply-management in the dairy industry.
                    Introduce new legislation for dairy terms and ingredients to limit the use of common dairy terms.
                    Support for long-term viability
                    Aggressive challenges against unfair trade practices.
                    Provide substantial investments in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Department of International Trade to support the pursuit of new bilateral trade agreements and to pursue new markets for Canadian products.
                    Make major investments in public agriculture research targeted at producing new products.
                    Hold a National Farm Summit with all producer organizations.


                      Okay wedino, how did you do that? Nobody is supposed to be able to do that.

                      Please send me your "how to" by e-mail to lee.melvill@gov.ab.ca



                        Dear AV forum users,

                        We would like to request that you do not place hot or live links into the forums.

                        We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

                        AV Mayor


                          How thoughtful of the Liberals to want to fix their own disaster.

                          You know the Liberal Ag Policy lo9oks stikeingly similar to CFA policy and CFA was the main architects of the disasterous ag policy for the liberals for the last thirteen years.

                          Oh by the way Agstar just heard fro someone in the know that the government was bombarded with indignant letters from farmers about the CWB and task force and such, these letters cam from farmers from all over MB, Sask. and Alb. but the funny thing was, every letter sent came from the same fax machine, and the fax number was the NFU's Saskatoon office fax number. Isn't that just hilarious.
                          So atleast the farmer members of the wheatgrowers knew better than to follow up on a stupid idea from some bozo bureaucrat, the NFU go right on ahead and do the exact thing they are suposedly indignant about in the firs place.

                          Truly that has to be the most hilarious thing I've heard of in a long time Agstar, wouldn't you agree?


                            Sorry for all the misspelling, it's hard to type and wipe the tears from your eyes because your laughing so hard.


                              This whole episode shows that the real problems are being ignored over the philisophical dispute about the CWB. By the way A.S., when did two wrongs make a right?


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