I swore to myself that I wouldn't post on any thing on here any more because most people on here are so caught up in rhetoric and ignore helping each other with marketing which was likely the main thrust behind having a discussion forum like this but I can't let this slide.
When ever someone drags religion so overtly into something as really trivial in the big scheme as the CWB debate I have to challenge them.
Tom4CWB you are no better in my mind than a certain hiding in the hills individual named Osama in fact I think you should change your name to TOMSAMA.
Leave god out of your little "holy" war against the CWB and you'd have far more than the zero credibility you must have with most because fanatics are just that fanatics. I along with others I'm quite sure have no time or use with people who have to believe God happens to be on their side in order to make what they are doing is right.
If you need such a basic crutch as this then you must obviously doubt yourself and your own message. Because from what I've seen in the world over the last number of years people that proclaim this are often more to be feared than trusted. Faith is personal and your constant bringing it into this forum is offensive beyond words.
I swore to myself that I wouldn't post on any thing on here any more because most people on here are so caught up in rhetoric and ignore helping each other with marketing which was likely the main thrust behind having a discussion forum like this but I can't let this slide.
When ever someone drags religion so overtly into something as really trivial in the big scheme as the CWB debate I have to challenge them.
Tom4CWB you are no better in my mind than a certain hiding in the hills individual named Osama in fact I think you should change your name to TOMSAMA.
Leave god out of your little "holy" war against the CWB and you'd have far more than the zero credibility you must have with most because fanatics are just that fanatics. I along with others I'm quite sure have no time or use with people who have to believe God happens to be on their side in order to make what they are doing is right.
If you need such a basic crutch as this then you must obviously doubt yourself and your own message. Because from what I've seen in the world over the last number of years people that proclaim this are often more to be feared than trusted. Faith is personal and your constant bringing it into this forum is offensive beyond words.