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CWB Gagged

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    CWB Gagged

    Minister Strahl has further hamstrung the CWB, by not allowing it to advocate on its own behalf on its future role in grain marketing ,contrary to his pronouncements that he wishes to see a strong and effective CWB. This was done, in a cowardly way, with an order in council. The true colors of this government are coming out, more reform than progressive. These actions will also hinder the CWB in its international dealings and may hurt everyone's bottom line.

    Yeah, how terrible it is to have the money owed to farmers used to market their grain instead of propaganda!

    That big mean man.

    How dare he tell a gov't agency that their job should be to try and make money for farmers instead of trying to preserve their own jobs!

    Boo hoo hoo.


      Just so everyone knows the background.

      Today's e-mail newsletter contains a statement from Ken Ritter, farmer-elected director from Kindersley, SK and Chair of the CWB board of directors regarding Direction Order of October 5, 2006.

      On Friday, October 6, 2006 the Government of Canada sent the following directive to the CWB:
      Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, pursuant to subsection 18(1) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, hereby directs the Canadian Wheat Board to conduct its operations under that act in the following manner:
      It shall not expend funds, directly or indirectly, on advocating the retention of its monopoly powers, including the expenditure of funds for advertising, publishing or market research: and
      It shall not provide funds to any other person or entity to enable them to advocate the retention of monopoly powers of the Canadian Wheat Board
      The CWB is currently examining the directive and its implications in more detail.

      Since early September, the CWB has not spent money advertising, publishing or conducting marketing research advocating the retention of monopoly powers. We have not provided funds to others so they can advocate on our behalf. We are in the midst of director elections, where farmers in five of the 10 districts vote for their preferred candidates. During this time the organization follows a strict code of conduct which prohibits our influencing the elections in any way. This Order in Council, however, appears to extend indefinitely.

      As an organization, we are fully aware of the extensive debate surrounding the future of the CWB. We believe that it is critical that farmers have the benefit of a free and open debate. Any restrictions which stifle this debate will not do it justice.

      Our position has always been that farmers, through the plebiscite called for under the CWB Act, must vote on any changes to the mandate of the organization. The CWB works on behalf of the farmers of Western Canada, and it is the farmers of Western Canada who should decide its future.

      Ken Ritter


        Canadian Wheat Board Act
        Directions by Governor in Council
        Directions to the Corporation
        18. (1) The Governor in Council may, by order, direct the Corporation with respect to the manner in which any of its operations, powers and duties under this Act shall be conducted, exercised or performed.

        (1.1) The directors shall cause the directions to be implemented and, in so far as they act in accordance with section 3.12, they are not accountable for any consequences arising from the implementation of the directions.

        Best interests
        (1.2) Compliance by the Corporation with directions is deemed to be in the best interests of the Corporation.

        Purchase of wheat only
        (2) Except as directed by the Governor in Council, the Corporation shall not buy grain other than wheat.

        R.S., 1985, c. C-24, s. 18; 1998, c. 17, ss. 10, 28(E


        Whats with or the last one?


          What seems lost in this debate is the recommended changes to the CWB Elections. For All those that say farmers should decide we should at least have an election process that only allows active farmers to vote.


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