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Hey Mayor?

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    Hey Mayor?

    there is a wierd hotlink at the end of this page.
    Pay Attention Wheat Rally/End of the Year Strategies charliep posted Apr 12, 2006 11:18

    I think its a plot by the CWB supporters.


    I see you can go by,

    Sunset Blvd. past the Lone Tree Park... on the Bizz Expressway...

    But you have to cross the Southern Pacific on Allantown Drive... or you won't be able to amplify or sell your speakers!

    I think it is a plot by WD9 myself!


      disconnect his buzzer,


        Nothing else better to do Ron?

        Apparently I don't either, but you can enable HTML or DHTML or XHTML tags and all codes will be processed and appear on your browser for enhanced reading pleasure.

        If you want, I can tell you which server you are logged into and the operating system you are using and your IP address and ......

        But I won't.



          All we have to do now is to harness all this energy and get it into the grid.... grin!

          We need to start making; hydrogen, solar electricity, and wind power... out of "waste" products others are paying to dispose of!

          I heard today that electrical energy consumption is growing 3 times faster than generation capacity!

          It won't be long till brown outs will be common place... if we don't create capacity to fill in the gaps now!


            Your just a trouble maker!


              Sometimes and I note that SOMETIMES WD9 uses his powers for good instead of evil............


                wd9 I was just scrolling down to see if any old posts were answered and couldnt figure out what that was. I remembered comments a couple weeks ago about hot links and was kind of disappointed it didnt take me to hotnurses.com or some other educational site.
                It would sure be nice if posts were moved to the top of the page as they were updated?


                  Ron, yup full agreement, I asked a few posts ago if the list could be sorted in terms of when the reply was made, the most recent at the top of the list, never got a response though. Maybe the moderators or the mayor just aren't listening

                  I also scan thru the list to see if there are updates on the old messages too, so your kung fu is strong also.

                  So mayor, how about it.

                  For a good example of a esthetically nice discussion group, have a look at, Ok I won't use the hotlink,


                  Notice the little right arrow and a piece of paper icon at the start of each topic, that says whether or not you have read all the posts in that topic. Also, the topics are ordered by most recent post first.

                  If you look at the posts, avatars, how long they have been members, where they are from, how many posts, etc create a friendly environment.

                  So mayor, what is available, what can be done, where is the town infrastructure heading? Don't be afraid to talk to your citizens, and like the government, we are here to help.


                    TOM4CWB, it has been said China at the current rate of growth in 20 years will need another planet earth for the raw materials requirement. They probably still won't need our grain though.


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