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Bravo! Bravo!

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    Bravo! Bravo!

    And this from a former NDP Cabinet Minister. Maybe the voices of reason and reality do have a chance to prevail.

    Wheat board has no authority to fight Ottawa

    Tue Oct 17 2006


    IF the CEO of Manitoba Public Insurance started a campaign using the company funds urging the privatization of the corporation, this fact would not go unnoticed by the minister to whom the insurance company reports.
    If the CEO of Manitoba Hydro started a campaign to privatize the Crown corporation and used its treasury to publicize his position, this fact would not go unnoticed by the minister to whom Hydro reported. In these cases, do you think that the ministers involved would use whatever power they had available to stop these executives?

    You're darn tootin' they would.

    They would immediately use their power, and they have the power to see to it that the executives involved ceased such activity and minded their proper business. The MPI directors are mandated to administer an insurance program: They have no mandate to engage in a political pursuit that is contrary to the interests of the government by whose authority they exist.

    In these hypothetical cases, there would be no sensational headlines suggesting that the government had gagged the heads of these corporations. Irresponsible members of Parliament would not refer to the Doer government as being "fascist."

    The same parameters should be applied with respect to the Canadian Wheat Board. If the government did indeed request the directors of the wheat board to co-operate with the government by supporting a proposal to effectively dismantle the wheat board, it was wrong to do so. But when the government prohibits the wheat board from using the wheat board treasury to fight against the government position, it is perfectly right to do so.

    The mandate of the directors of the wheat board is to market grain. It has no mandate to engage in political propaganda extolling its own existence and attempting to perpetuate itself. To direct it not to do so in no way stifles debate or silences proponents of the wheat board. No persons, farmers or others who believe in the continued operation of the wheat board have been silenced. The government order does not silence anybody, not even the wheat board directors. The government order only prohibits the use of the wheat board treasury for political purposes and this prohibition is perfectly justified.
    The wheat board is not a privately operated organization that is entitled to use its treasury as it deems advisable. The wheat board is an organization that was created by a democratically elected government. Absent government creation, the wheat board would not exist. It is important to remember that what a democratically elected government createth, a democratically elected government can taketh away.

    Supporters of the wheat board have to marshal their support within the democratic system. Since a large majority of the farmers voted for a Conservative government, it can only be assumed that those same farmers supported the policies enunciated by the Conservative party leadership and candidates. One of those articulated policies was directed towards reassessing the monopoly status of the wheat board. If the Conservative government has miscalculated the position of the farmers with respect to the wheat board, they run a serious risk of losing some of their best supporters. If they are right in believing that their wheat board policy meets with approval of the farmers, then their action with regard to the wheat board would have been democratically approved.

    Opponents of the Harper government will have to resign themselves to the fact that this government is intending to change things. It is hardly legitimate to complain that the Conservatives are failing to maintain and refusing to implement Liberal and NDP policies.

    Sidney Green is a Winnipeg lawyer and former NDP cabinet minister.

    Oh sorry, I should have included that this was in today's Winnipeg Free Press


      Asking the CWB to co-operate with those wishing for its destruction is goofy.

      Somewhat like one of my booses asking me to train his stupid nephew so that HE could take over my job when I got terminated in the future.

      The gall of Strahl to expect these good people to 'walk to the guillotine'. Typical rightwing maneuver. Power politics at its worst.


        Ok, so much for the power of reason.


          So you want reason, okay. Who should have more say in the operation of the CWB , The government of Canada a.k.a. Strahl , which only supply credit guarantees or elected representatives of the people who pay the bills of the CWB , a.k.a. us farmers. If the CWB is an independent entity the government should not have dictatorial control. Should Strahl et al. be allowed to set the price grain is sold at and to whom ? I thought when control of the CWB was given to farmers there was to be less government interference not more.


            It never ceases to amaze me how hysterical many single-desk supporters are getting these days. Strahl is not being "dictatorial" in any sense. His actions do not signal any intention to micromanage the board's affairs, such as telling it how to price grain on a daily basis.

            If you read Mr. Green's article carefully and try hard not to flip your lid, he makes the very sensible point that the CWB is a creation of government, and as such is under government control. It is not, in any sense, an "independent" entity. Taxpayer loan guarantees, far from being a peripheral issue, are critical to the core functions of the CWB. Therefore, the representatives of the taxpayer, such as the Minister, have every right to set strategic planning goals for the CWB.

            Since many farmers do not agree with the single desk, it is only fair that they should not be forced to financially support the promotion of those ideas. That is why it is crucial that the CWB stay officially neutral in this debate. Ken Ritter was getting completely out of hand, and it was time to rein him in. He needed to be reminded that he is not a law unto himself.

            According to the latest issue of Agriweek, the CWB was planning a big propaganda splash the instant that the director elections were over. That is likely why Strahl chose to act when he did.


              Agstar77 the GOC also supplies the legislative authority via the CWB ACT for the CWB to exist. Or did forget about that? The CWB is an Act of Parliament, and it is only Parliament that can pass legislation, ammend legislation, or repeal legislation.

              Read the constitution, I'm sure it's in there. I'm pretty sure farmers haven't been given that authority.

              The power to decide the question of the monopoly is for the GOC to decide only.

              The point the writer made was the democratic forum for this issue to be decided, is the general election and I agree with that statement.

              Fight hard if you will for a change in policy with respect to the plebicite, I'm going to fight hard to not have one because that wasn't the policy I voted for in the last general election. But don't go around saying the government has to have one or that the law requires it because that isn't so. Or that the government has no right to do this because they do have every right. The CWB Act can be repealed along with any mention of a farmer vote. If that is what parliment decides to do of course.

              But if the CWB wants to be truly free from government interference, they can voluntarily give up the monoply and the gaurentees.

              Chuck Strahl is the Minister Responsible FOR the CWB, not TO the CWB.

              Ralph Goodale really screwed the cwb up, letting them think they have powers that they never ever had.


                Minister Strahl has stated he does not want to eliminate the CWB and wants it to remain a strong and viable organization. Well should not they be allowed to state why they should retain single desk marketing to the general public and to their farmer owners?



                  They can still say anything they like, they just can't spend pool account money to promote it.

                  Chuck Strahl wants every penny given back to farmers in the form a wheat cheque, not in the form of a glossy selfpromotion add full of fear and falshoods. What novel thought.


                    Regardless of what side of the issue you are on it's obvious that the CWb vs the Conservatives is no different than the Liberals vs Conservatives.Under this senario the Conservatives will have no desire to hand over millions of dollars to the CWB to replace government loan quarentees which the Liberals gave away. Maybe the CWB needs to explain to producers what producer returns will be without those quarentees. Still can't figure out with all the extra money the CWB makes me why wheat returns can't compete with open market crops



                      Why did you say: "Farmer owners"?

                      Where in the CWB Act, CWB bylaws, CWB Regulations... anywhere at all... does the farmer grain grower "own" anything at the CWB?


                      I have donated thousands of dollars to the contingency fund because our farm has used the Producer Pricing Options (PPO).

                      I don't get one cent of equity or value... from donating this money to the CWB.

                      In fact this year the users of the PPO's will be donating millions to the pool accounts... by the looks of the way things are going.


                      Because the CWB can steal from the idiots who don't believe in pooling... and give it to those who are in the pool.

                      This is not government policy... it is CWB policy.

                      Minister Strahl needs to give CWB management a wake up call... which he just did.

                      I would say the CWB got off real EASY to what Minister Strahl should have done.

                      If the CWB keeps it up... they will implode... and have no-one to blame but themselves when grain growers who actually make a living from growing grain... say... let the Titanic sink... they cost too much to keep afloat!


                        I don't think the government can take a back seat to anyone in spending "My money " to promote your agenda or is the special committee and all their helpers working for nothing? After all I do pay taxes as do you and I don't believe taxpayers should pay to make a decision for farmers. That committee is comparable to a lynch mob, the majority are not looking fo a way to make the CWB viable. You only have to look at its members and their statements.



                          Why exactly do you have the right to confiscate my families wheat and barley... Please explain where you got the authority to do this...


                          Why Minister Strahl shouldn't set an injustice straight...?


                            Agstar77, wow! finally you and I agree on something.

                            You said " I don't believe taxpayers should pay to make a decision for farmers."

                            Neither do I. I think farmers should be able to make ALL of their own decisions. You make your decsions and I'll make mine.

                            I've been saying for years now that the government has no business telling me how I should sell my grain. They have no business forcing me to sell to the CWB.

                            But let's be honest here aren't you CWB supporters kinda like spoiled teenagers and young twentysomethings?

                            They want their independence from their parents, but they still want mom and dad to give them an allowance pay their rent, buy their food and put gas in their car.

                            They'll say "Mom, Dad, It's my life and I'll do as I please, oh yeah, and I need more money."


                              Thanks for the compliment, its been a long time since I was a teenager. Get your argument right T4. Your grain is not confiscated it is always your grain but the right for you to make the decision as to what food market it is sold into is turned over to the representatives of the majority of producers. So if you are going to complain , get it right.


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