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Where are the 85,000 farmers?

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    AS wins the prize, an all expense paid trip to.... Nokomis, Sask.

    Funny how this same line of discussion went on before, during and now after the task force completed its work, and hey, still no resolution. Great smokescreen, I must admit. Hook, line and sinker.

    Same circle, just a bit bigger. Anyone wanna bet the open market question ends up not answered? At least some people will be busy for a while though.



      valid point about Bill Gates. But that is in an ownership position. He has bought, earned or gained shares in Microsoft due to his own money spent. We do business with the CWB. We don't "invest" in it in the same sense as Gates and Microsoft. The corperate rules allow for Gates to have a gazillion votes because of his gazillion shares. In the eyes of the CWB, I feel that you and I are equal. We each have one "share." You may farm more than me, but we still should get only one vote apiece. You might be the biggest customer of your local machinery dealership, but do you tell the owner how to run it?


        Why should the farmer in Ontario, Quebec and the interior BC not have the right to vote in a pleb. too?

        They have to be clamouring to get in this $500,000,000 to $800,000,000 dollar bonus that only western farmers are allowed into.

        They grow wheat. This is Canada.


          I find radio news reports this morning interesting regarding concerns of some of the district candidates may have ineligible people on their nomination forms (have not delivered wheat or barley in the last two years on a permit book). Suspect there are processes (getting others to sign, complete a statuatory declaration) but still interesting.



            I see this in the CWB Act:


            Application to wheat produced outside designated areas

            40. (1) The Governor in Council may, by regulation, apply the provisions of this
            Part, in respect of wheat produced in any area in Canada outside the designated
            area, specified in the regulation.


            (2) For the purpose of the application of this Part in respect of wheat produced
            in any area specified in a regulation made under subsection (1),

            "designated area" «région désignée»

            "designated area" shall be construed as referring to the area so specified;

            "pool period" «période de mise en commun»

            "pool period" means such period or periods, not exceeding one year, as the
            Governor in Council may prescribe as a pool period or pool periods in respect of
            that wheat.

            R.S., c. C-12, s. 32."

            It would sure be easy to make this a national vote... I like this plebicite idea! Then we all get to endure the same pain... or not!

            This is a scheme if I have ever seen one... WOW

            To think farmers are in control of this little puppy! LOL


              Hey tom, to bad you I.Q didnt expand with you acres.



                AS water reflects a face,
                so a man's heart reflects the man.

                Bless you!


                  <p>Re: Hey tom, to bad you I.Q didnt expand with you acres. <br>
                  In english:<br>
                  Hey Tom4CWB, too bad your IQ did not expand with your acres.<br>
                  Nope, still not funny.



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