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CWB support

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    CWB support


    The CWB claims to have 60% support.

    .6*85,000 is 50,000 grain growers.

    If the CWB is worth anything at all... we should each be able to dig up $10,000.00 for an initial share offering.

    That would be half a billion dollars.

    And I bet anyone here a steak dinner... that if we came up with this capital... that we could get Minister Strahl to come up with another half a Billion... with not too many conditions attached to it.

    Just like being proposed with ethanol... perhaps even roll some biofuels into the mandate of the new mothercorp.

    What do you think... do CDN grain growers out west care enough to put their money where their mouth is... and make a marketer of world class stature that actually extracts a premium for grain growers?

    We already have that, it is called Agricore United. No investment required.

    Now, everyone go back to work, and do something useful.


      We did have the pools till they mismanaged and were bought out by ADM breadbasket to the world.


        Exactly, Agstar 77. Mismanagement is too mild a word. Gross incompetence is more like it.



          AND what EXACTLY makes you think a "farmer controlled" CWB will be any better managed?

          By the WAY Many ideas of the same folks who destroyed the Pools are at top management influence at the CWB.

          Art Macklin & Allan Oberg; are two examples of dino's who destroyed the pools... that think they are God's answer to "designated area" grain producers dreams of prosperity.

          And you guys want them to lead the CWB to destruction... why?


            Just curious about your comments on the gross mismanagement of the former cooperatives? Is it your belief that we should still have the small wood elevators everywhere? If your belief is the elevator system needed to rationalize/modernize, how would a cooperative model have financed it? How much of the change was driven by private grain companies who offered innovative products that cooperatives were unwilling or not able to offer?

            You seem to have a strong desire to return to the past. Maybe I am getting to much grey hair but I am not so sure it was that much better.


              AU survived because it did just that Charlie, adapted, united, got bigger and still has a farmer board. We aren't all afraid of the big bad boogeyman call corporate. It isn't that amazing how competent service and competent management translates into an organization, and even a competent board that continues and has farmers willing to deal with.


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