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Manitoba and the CWB

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    Manitoba and the CWB

    The government of the
    grain-producing province of Manitoba said on Tuesday it will call on
    farmers to vote on the fate of the Canadian Wheat Board if the federal
    government does not.
    "The future of the Canadian Wheat Board must remain in farmers'
    hands," said Manitoba Agriculture Minister Rosann Wowchuk.
    The Winnipeg-based wheat board is the largest wheat and barley
    marketer in the world. It holds a monopoly on these grains produced in
    the Canadian Prairies, something the federal Conservative government
    wants to end.
    The government says it wants to give western farmers a choice in how
    they market their wheat and barley. The Canadian Wheat Board Act,
    however, states a vote by farmers must be held before major marketing
    changes are made to the board.
    "...Let them have a voice and let them decide," Wowchuk said of the
    grain farmers.
    Federal Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl said he will hold to his
    plan to await the recommendations of a task force he created to devise
    ways to drop the wheat board's monopoly while keeping it viable. The
    recommendations are expected within the next week, he said.
    "This is federal legislation so I'm not sure what she (Wowchuk)
    hopes to accomplish with that. The options remain open to me, of course.
    I haven't said yes or no to anything yet," Strahl said.
    The Manitoba government said it will "aggressively" prepare for the
    vote, with details available within weeks. It is the first provincial
    government to take such action.
    "The potential loss to Prairie grain producers, the impact on grain
    terminals and the Port of Churchill (in northern Manitoba), and
    consequences for trade with the U.S. are issues of crucial concern both
    for western Canadian grain producers and our government," Wowchuk said.
    Since the Canadian Wheat Board Act is federal and not provincial
    law, the Manitoba vote is not seen as legally binding.

    I think we should have provincial plebesites ith the results final and the federal government act on the results obtained in each province. The issues of barley and wheat should be treated separately. If Alberta farmers voted for an open market for either wheat or barley, then our province could set up a open market system using Ontario as a model.

    The above is tough in cheek/not Alberta policy but is an interesting discussion.


      I agree with you Charlie. If we can have an Ontario wheat marketing Board why couldn't we have an Alberta One.



        AB has the Alberta Grain Commission and the vote already. Do it. It is probably the only way this will get settled.

        What's stopping the AB Gov't?

        Why was Ralph so hot and then cold last time?

        What did he trade to back off?

        Why should AB be different than ON?

        If Klein didnt have the political will to follow through then, I doubt the new Premier will either. I really do think Ralph was smart enough to trade something off. What was it?


          Gee, you don't suppose they are afraid they might lose a few jobs and taxes if the CWB doesn't need their palace in Winnipeg do you?

          And yes, what exactly is the holdup in Alberta????

          We have asked for choice and all we get are mailouts.

          Thanks for the firewood, but I have enough from the CWB propaganda team.


            You guys are so close to figuring out what is going to happen, just a little bit more and you will have it figured out.....


              Why would you want an Alberta Marketing Board when we already have the CWB?

              Who would run or control the AWB?... the provincial gov't or producers? Would the BIG boys have weighted status when it came to representation or control? (no doubt)?

              Would this board be governed by government of Canada's export controls?



                For the answers, See Ontario...


                  Just a note the above was a personal comment/an attempt to open up discussion.

                  Why didn't Alberta go this road before? Lots of discussion on this issue in the past. There are some technical issues including the CWB act itself. From an industry standpoint, I don't know if having a patch work of marketing systems across western Canada is a good thing. Politicians have their own reasons.

                  The priorities over the next few weeks from my standpoint (again my opinion).

                  Electing good directors who can provide guidance/mangage a $4 to $5 bln dollar business in a changing world.

                  Results of the task force.

                  What the Conservative governments next steps.

                  The on going debate around what everyone treats as black and white but likely has shades of grey.


                    Being a government staffer, I think it is very inappropriate for Charlie Pierson to make public statements about a very public policy issue. The rural voters elected Ralph and Doug to push their agenda. The general taxpayers don't pay you to be a politician.


                      Yup... just what Canada needs... another bureaucrat with no opinion.

                      In Alberta, they also pay you to think.

                      Strange concept isn't it.


                        <p>Don't be dissin 'Ol Charlie, or clampin that freedom of thought. He could
                        easily be elected sheriff next year here on the wrong side of the tracks in Agri-ville ! 


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