How, on CWRS; can the CWB charge an adjustment factor when the FPC is BELOW the PRO? (PRO is at $218/t)
EG. 1CWRS 13.5 Oct 27 is $213.78/t with a -$3.50/t adjustment factor.
"Adjustment Factor" is the value that adjusts the basis to reflect the sales position of the pool account with respect to the spot futures value as specified in the pricing scedule" [quote from FPC definitions]
The Oct 27 06 basis is $8.65/t over the MGE Dec 06 which is $208.63/t (CWB Conversion)CDN or US$5.08.
The DTN Oct 26 06 Portland grain report quotes a DNS 14 wheat (equivelent to a CWRS 13.5) as being worth US$5.84/bu, up on the week from US$5.80/bu last week.
Barley is down US$5/t from the peek in this past week... according to this Oct 26th DTN report from US$162/t on Oct 19th to US160/t on the 26th.
Is any basis or Adjustment pricing signal the CWB sending logical?
Especially when all the West Coast boats that are being filled with wheat for India right now...
ALL the wheat classes are paid at the same price... any wheat (non-durum) below a 2CWRS quality is dumped in the holds of these ships and returns the exact same value to the pool accounts!
The market distortion caused by the CWB pool accounts/PPO's have never been this bad before... in recent history!
Even the election period in 2002 didn't look as distorted as the CWB signals sent right now!
Is it possible... the CWB is going to use up the contingency fund during this election period?
How, on CWRS; can the CWB charge an adjustment factor when the FPC is BELOW the PRO? (PRO is at $218/t)
EG. 1CWRS 13.5 Oct 27 is $213.78/t with a -$3.50/t adjustment factor.
"Adjustment Factor" is the value that adjusts the basis to reflect the sales position of the pool account with respect to the spot futures value as specified in the pricing scedule" [quote from FPC definitions]
The Oct 27 06 basis is $8.65/t over the MGE Dec 06 which is $208.63/t (CWB Conversion)CDN or US$5.08.
The DTN Oct 26 06 Portland grain report quotes a DNS 14 wheat (equivelent to a CWRS 13.5) as being worth US$5.84/bu, up on the week from US$5.80/bu last week.
Barley is down US$5/t from the peek in this past week... according to this Oct 26th DTN report from US$162/t on Oct 19th to US160/t on the 26th.
Is any basis or Adjustment pricing signal the CWB sending logical?
Especially when all the West Coast boats that are being filled with wheat for India right now...
ALL the wheat classes are paid at the same price... any wheat (non-durum) below a 2CWRS quality is dumped in the holds of these ships and returns the exact same value to the pool accounts!
The market distortion caused by the CWB pool accounts/PPO's have never been this bad before... in recent history!
Even the election period in 2002 didn't look as distorted as the CWB signals sent right now!
Is it possible... the CWB is going to use up the contingency fund during this election period?