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The Startup of the CWB

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    The Startup of the CWB

    Perhaps this has already been discussed somewhere, but what I would love to see would be the argument that would arise if we currently had no CWB, but the government was going to start one.

    How do you suppose all these supporters of a monopoly would react if the gov't of the day (any day) told them that they now only have one choice?

    I know how I would react. Do you think they would just lovingly accept what the gov't was imposing, or would they fight for their freedoms?

    Perhaps it's not about freedom, but which political ideology you believe in? If you vote for a socialist gov't the board is a good idea, and if you are more of a capitalist supporter you don't??

    I would never dream of telling my neighbor how he should run his farm, but it seems that there are some who think it is just fine to meddle in someone else's.

    Okay, okay...opt out then. But for gawd's sake don't come back and expect to be let in for at least five years.

    That is the answer that I would give if I had the power to do so.

    The single-desk seller gives producers more clout ...at least in theory. Otherwise individuals are fair game for the 'grain trade' robbers.

    My father and his peers fought against those crooked snakes for years and they rejoiced in their pools and the CWB when it was formed.


      Wilagro, I think that is a great idea. All those that wish to have the freedom to market their wheat as they see fit, could do so. And all those that want to deal only with the CWB for their wheat marketings could do that as well. The land base could be contracted for 5 years so each of those farmers must deliver only to their marketing choice. How long before the socalists would be looking across the fence!!


        Exactly the reason the board is so intolerant of change. Protecting their own interests (jobs) vs farmers interests


          Would grade names only apply to CWB grain?

          Where as the CWB doesn't have elevators or terminals, how would the grain be kept separated?

          What would be the CGC's role, in a dual system? Who would they be mandated under, farmers, CWB, or grain companies?
          Does the CGC have enough bite and or desire, to perform such a role?



            Good questions.

            If I were to turn your questions around. Why wouldn't an open market with a CWB alternative use the current CGC grading system as long as it results in value to the customer and opportunity for higher farm gate prices?

            On the question of segregation, why couldn't wheat be handled the way feed barley is today? Why would it have to be segregated? The CWB would likely develop commercial contracts with some/all grain companies that would outline how inventory is handled.

            The CGC question is also interesting given its potential changing role/structure (a major review this past summer and no one has even commented on it in Agri-ville). What issues to you see with the CGC and a CWB in an open market setting?


              Silverback you are right that this issue is debated by two different ideologies.But but even if you are a socialist.in Canada should'nt indavidual freedoms and property rights(ie.my grain)make this an issue that shouldn't have to be debated.I just think those rights should be just that...Rights.


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