I asked a simple question of what has created all the surplus in these Accounts. Until we determine that I think it is difficult to determine where the funds should go. We should also make sure that we understand that FPC's and DPC's have some marked differences from the open market. In the open market you have competition when basis is offered, under the CWB there is only one game in Town. The Contract Programs are somewhat tied to the PRO's and not totally to the open market. In an open market you would have a hard time selling the basis levels the board is using. If you don't believe me fiqure the total basis you pay to get to Vancouver under the FPC. and then Compare that to an American Farmer whose grain ends up in Portland.The basis argument is even more out of line when you likely have 60 million dollars in contingency to backstop unforseen circumstances. I think the CWB has the tools and expertise to operate both PPO's and pool accounts and keep them totally seperate. I honestly believe they don't want to do that because there would then be a benchmark with which to judge their performance.
I asked a simple question of what has created all the surplus in these Accounts. Until we determine that I think it is difficult to determine where the funds should go. We should also make sure that we understand that FPC's and DPC's have some marked differences from the open market. In the open market you have competition when basis is offered, under the CWB there is only one game in Town. The Contract Programs are somewhat tied to the PRO's and not totally to the open market. In an open market you would have a hard time selling the basis levels the board is using. If you don't believe me fiqure the total basis you pay to get to Vancouver under the FPC. and then Compare that to an American Farmer whose grain ends up in Portland.The basis argument is even more out of line when you likely have 60 million dollars in contingency to backstop unforseen circumstances. I think the CWB has the tools and expertise to operate both PPO's and pool accounts and keep them totally seperate. I honestly believe they don't want to do that because there would then be a benchmark with which to judge their performance.