Everyone agreed the trusts were getting out of hand. But when a political party boasts they are not going to touch them to get elected and then does. What does that say about the honesty and integrity of all politicians? The Liberals screwed up and the Conservative/Reform did them one better.
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The fact is Harper blatantly lied on this one? No two ways about it? It was on the news last night?
Thats twice(Remember when he appointed Fortier?)! Three times and he should be out?
I don't know if both these lies were necessary...but when do you say hey wait a minute, this guy is just another lying politician? Stevens halo is getting pretty tarnished right about now?
I think I had it backwards. Did the Liberals say they were going to tax them and the price dropped, then after people got upset, they leaked that they weren't going to do that so the price went up and the traders had a good day??
Sorry, can't remember properly today.
But what would the reaction have been if they did nothing and things carried on to a critical point? People would have been screaming that they should have done something! There is no way to win no matter who is in power with this taxation situation.
i have my money invested in farming and commodities/production, not in income trusts.......do not need tax loopholes for raising capital....farm is not large enough to use income trust model to take my money out of the business ....plus the hiccup in the dollar is good for my commodities...
plain and simple..they closed a Liberal created coorporate tax loophole that was growing out of control and likely in ways the Liberals did not even intend it to...they give a four year phase out adjustment period.....and BCE and Telus do not get in on the big break...big deal...
thanks Steven and Jim for having the fortitude to do what is right....move the break to seniors on fixed incomes and pensions...level the coorporate tax playing field and simplify...the lawyers, accountants and financial advisors and banks will lose on the fees generates by moving and managing the move to the trust structure...big deal......the markets will recover when the shock of the change is digested.....they are open makets and they will abritrage to normalcy over time...
.....so the marekt dropped 36.5 billion....it should over time move to relect the actual tax implication of the change, plus overhead, which is a small fraction of that number....I would suggest that is a buy signal to go back into the market and average your cost down on your trust investments if that is where your money is, and make more money of the hysteria the media and the liberals have created...
I bought my first oil income trust a few years ago and then dumped it several months back.One of the top income trusts that i follow{but do not own yet}hasnt moved an inch.This particular company is owned by some top traders and their not spooked yet. I would suspect this is a way to shake some weak hands out of their shares and for some sharks to come in and scoup them up.Something was going to happen sooner or later in the trusts. Even with the proposed 36% tax, a trust is still a good way to own a piece of a company.The main thing i'm questioning is the timing.There are alot of reasons to make me suspect oil is about to hit 100$ a barrel within 4 months but the trust decision has now reafermed this
Silverback-the bottom line of your balance sheet is the bottom line and what ever effects it, paper or not, is important.
If the information was released before hand it would be very easy to find out who profitted.
Sure wish I had some money on Thursday to buy some cheap stocks.
TSX rose 20 some points on the week.
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