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New CWB Election Ballots, What should they look like:

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    New CWB Election Ballots, What should they look like:


    I have had serious discussions with a number of people...

    THis is my thought on Ballot design to solve our problems.

    1. A two part ballot double bar coded
    (same grower bar code on each part so they will be matched back up when returned to the Election Co-ordinator)

    2. The Second part of the Ballot has a space to print the producer's name, then the following is printed:

    The producer who is voteing in this CWB Election, is aware that returning more than one ballot (Section 5(2))is an offence under the CWB Act (Section 68(3)(c)), punishable by up to 2 years in prision, a fine of up to $5,000.00, or both.

    Then the Signature of the Registered Individual entitled to the Ballot; in a space underlined below.

    The whole document has an outside line border identifying that this document is ONE document.

    The actual ballot with incorporated barcode (we shall call it Part One) can be mailed in as normal.

    The Second Part with the same barcode, name and signature is mailed at a later date; if mailed back is then retained by the Election Co-ordinator to match with the Ballot, then if a match and name check clears the Ballot:

    Part 2 is retained for Election records or for conviction if a breach occurs;

    We have the technology to move away from paper ballots. Use your phone or the internet - key in your SIN - then a producer PIN - then you vote. Could be done in one day - reduce the cost as well. If you wanted to weight the ballot the computer could correlate the PIN with grain deliveries over some period.



      I find it interesting that the one person one vote election we are supposedly supposed to be attempting right now... didn't interest you?

      Is it not important to assure Canadians that we follow the free and democratic principals we claim globally to represent... and respect civil / common law obligations we have?


        Vader & Agstar77;

        I just saw this;

        The House of Commons passed a concurrence motion Nov. 1 stating: "that the government prior to any legislative or regulatory action affecting the mandate of the Canadian Wheat Board as it is currently constituted under the Canada Wheat Board Act, submit through plebiscite to all those eligible to vote in Canadian Wheat Board elections, a clear and direct question asking whether those eligible to vote support or oppose the single desk selling provisions of the Canadian Wheat Board." All three opposition parties unanimously supported the motion. The government voted against it.

        This is sick. My stomach is

        We have, in this CWB election:

        1. Growers breaking the law voting in the wrong districts;

        2. Individual Growers voteing more than once,,, and feeling entitled to do so;

        3. Statutory Declarations that are being signed that are being signed with false information... to get a ballot to vote, and growers being unfairly asked to sign documents that are false;

        4. Growers who are proper interested individuals, fully involved in growing wheat and barley, who are not being allowed to vote by the CWB system, in this election;

        5. A CWB system who is NOT reporting all the elegible producers names to the election Co-ordinator... resulting in an incorrect voter's list and conflict of interest between the CWB and voters;

        6. An Election Co-ordinator that is being accused of being in a conflict of interest in this CWB election;

        7. A CWB management team that clearly is in a conflict of interest, because of it's "single desk" stand on marketing, deciding who will and who will not vote in this election.

        Move on over Banana Republic... have we got some lessons for you... in running elections.

        Agstar77, and Vader, what are we going to do about this?


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