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All time wheat high

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    All time wheat high

    We are only a few months away from an all time wheat high.I hate to say i told you so but, I did HAHAHAYAAA!!!!

    I can't wait to see the CWB Pro hit $20/bushel cotten!!

    That will be a great day.


      Okay, cottonpicken, that just sounds away tooooooooo much like the beginnings of a wager, to me. So let's put something serious on this like a 50-year-old bottle of Scotch. Okay?

      But to make it more interesting, I'll ask you the question that Charlie and I are asked all the time: "When will the high happen and what will it be?"

      My side is this: I think we've seen the high unless U.S. winter wheat is threatened as it comes out of dormancy or as it is coming into heading.

      Are we on?


        Of course were on.This rise will last 15 to 28 months and we have 2 months behind us.Will it take a break and correct down?maybe but maybe not.If you want to look at the most beautiful thing in the world please go to www.jsmineset.com and look at his 35 year wheat chart.Take a good look at 71-73 and then tell me i'm crazy.You will see a near 6 fold increase.The reasons that this happened are back in play today and they have little to do with u.s. winter wheat and its dormancy.What will the top be, it looks like a little over 1400 a ton. This is also a great site for geo-politics.If you take the time to find out who this man is you'll relize he is no small player.


          cottonpicken, maybe we should clarify what this wager is all about. I see by your post that you're thinking in 1.5 to 2 years time frame. I'm thinking for this crop year, 'till the end of July.

          How do we reconcile this difference so the agri-ville community can place their side bets?


            I'm also a bull, but only for this crop year and only if we see a drastic cut in potential production from the U.S. and only if we finally see some significant exports from the U.S.
            If wheat does take off again I'm guessing the best way to play it would be a spread trade. Buy March06 Sell Dec07 Minn.
            What is everybody else thinking?


              That should be march07 opps...


                Ok melvill how about all time high by the end of july{kind of rymes nice}. If this doesnt happen i'll mail you a fifty dollar gift certificate from a liquor store of your chosing.If it does happen you do the same.50 bucks wouldnt buy a very good scotch so if you want to make it more let me know but i'm comfortable with 50.

                I'm wondering why you and charlie are asked this all the time,do you guys have marketing backgrounds?

                And another thing who exactly sponsors this site?


                  Okay, cottonpicken, let's clarify a little more. I'll go with the all-time high by end of July - are you a cowboy poet, by any chance. What price? Kansas Sep futures, Minnie sep futures, Chicago Sep futures, northern U.S. spot price, I'll go.

                  As for what Charlie and I do, click on our names on the top left side of this screen. It'll tell you a little - but not everything - about us.

                  It won't tell you that Charlie is hoping to come back from Ukraine with Olga on his arm. LOL. And it won't tell you that I have a passion for old things - cars, trucks and musical instruments. LOL.


                    How about all of them.


                      How do I capture the all time wheat high with grain in the bin? Sell to nonboard, pool, FPC or DPC? Or just buy ??? futures?


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