Sorry for hogging this forum, but there is so much going on and being said that isn't being commented on, I can't help myself.
I will refer you to the following comment from the CWB's response to the task force.
...replace it with some minor entity that is intended to take on transnationals...
Agstar77, don't you get it? The CWBII is not intended to "take on the multinationals" it is intended to "work with the industry"!
This sledge hammer approach is why were here today. This misguided belief that that it is the CWB's sole purpose to "fight and take on the multinationals".
The vision of the Task force was to create a new CWB that will work constructivly and positivly with the industry for the greater health and prosperity of the grain sector.
....It says the task force is proposing the CWB lose its single desk and "attempt to enter, with absurdly little in the way of assets, a concentrated, consolidated, mature grain handling and marketing industry with notoriously high barriers to entry, dominated by transnationals." The response also charges the task force with being silent on how the new CWB would design a business plan to succeed, "other than to lay that task at the feet of the current CWB." As well, farmer control and ownership of a new version of the CWB, as outlined by the task force, is "unrealistic and naive," the board said.
"It is poor and irresponsible policy to strip an internationally recognized, farmer-controlled organization of its market power, propose to replace it with some minor entity that is intended to take on transnationals, but with severe structural and capital disadvantages, and then tell farmers it is their own fault when it fails," board stated it in its response.
I will refer you to the following comment from the CWB's response to the task force.
...replace it with some minor entity that is intended to take on transnationals...
Agstar77, don't you get it? The CWBII is not intended to "take on the multinationals" it is intended to "work with the industry"!
This sledge hammer approach is why were here today. This misguided belief that that it is the CWB's sole purpose to "fight and take on the multinationals".
The vision of the Task force was to create a new CWB that will work constructivly and positivly with the industry for the greater health and prosperity of the grain sector.
....It says the task force is proposing the CWB lose its single desk and "attempt to enter, with absurdly little in the way of assets, a concentrated, consolidated, mature grain handling and marketing industry with notoriously high barriers to entry, dominated by transnationals." The response also charges the task force with being silent on how the new CWB would design a business plan to succeed, "other than to lay that task at the feet of the current CWB." As well, farmer control and ownership of a new version of the CWB, as outlined by the task force, is "unrealistic and naive," the board said.
"It is poor and irresponsible policy to strip an internationally recognized, farmer-controlled organization of its market power, propose to replace it with some minor entity that is intended to take on transnationals, but with severe structural and capital disadvantages, and then tell farmers it is their own fault when it fails," board stated it in its response.