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    One of the problems in the present system IS the monopoly... which places the CWB in the position of being "GOD".

    If the CWB were to step back a few steps...

    and become strictly a facilitator... implementing grain growers marketing plans... instead of creating sales and marketing schemes that work against those very growers the CWB is supposed to serve...

    The monopoly issue would disappear.

    I don't believe that such raw and difficult relationship occurs between UFA, their suppliers, and customers... or Federated Co-operative and their trusted partners.

    THis is not rocket science... the rest of the world does these kinds of deals every day... and most times I see satisfied partners creating value for each other!


      Wilagro and wmoebis:

      I had to look pretty hard but I think I found something that we actually agree on. For some time now I have been advocating that we need to know the facts – not rumour, not platitudes, not rhetoric. FACTS. The true story about the CWB. And from your posts it’s clear that you agree.

      Wilagro, you don’t want to hear stories that aren’t “substantiated as being TRUE”; nor do I.

      wmoebis, you want to hear from CWB representatives and line companies, “not second hand”. I’d like to get the real facts on the CWB performance too.

      Unfortunately wmoebis, I doubt we’d get anybody from the trade to speak on the record about some of the things the CWB has ALLEGEDLY done – as I’ve said before, it’s not worth the commercial retribution. (Some of the stories I’ve told are first hand – I just need to remain careful; the CWB can’t hurt my business anymore, but there are others involved.)

      So let’s go there guys. Let’s demand some facts out of the CWB. I’m not afraid of the results – are you?

      If we were able to get the real story – not an economist’s spin, and not a diluted audit – but the real facts, then we’d be able to truly and correctly judge the CWB for what it is – either a global market powerhouse, or a feeble fraud.


        OKAY CHAFF, now we have a starting point. I am sure that all from trade, including CWB, are just sitting back smiling and watching we farmers banter. They all have their agenda some hidden, some open. Pleasing shareholders and keeping stockes happy are #1.
        We all have issues that are important to us in our own operations. They will differ in many ways from each individual and area but are all valid to each. Are we looking at long term viability, short term profits to make our books look good for quick sale.

        What ever our reason our common goal is to reap the most returns from our product and labours. In order to achieve this we need the true and hard facts and the future direction (written in stone)from ALL players that do and will effect us and our immediate decisions.



          I cannot agree that maximising returns on our families farm is our principal reason for being in the business of growing grain.

          Standing for a free and democratic society is more important to our next generation than 30 peices of silver.

          Not one of us can rent a u-haul to take physical assets to the pearly gates... that I know of.

          Dishonest money dwindles away,
          but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.

          People curse the man who hoards grain,
          but blessing crowns him who is willing to sell.

          Better a little with righteousness
          than much gain with injustice.


            So if your not worried about maximising returns on grain why worry about the cwb selling grain cheap?

            Did you have a religios experience lately?


              Regardless of what line of work you’re in, it’s your duty and responsibility to maximize returns to your operations as best you morally and legally can, using all the tools at your disposal. Your farm or business does nobody – you, the community or the sector – any good unless it is thriving and financially sustainable. When you suffer, so do your suppliers and customers.

              This idea that multi-national grain cos don’t give a damn about farmers is just plain stupid paranoia. Executives with these firms know that the best way they can maximize their returns over the long haul is to work toward a vibrant and prosperous industry. Trust me, the last thing they want to deal with is a struggling farmer. Yes, they will do whatever they can to get the best deal for the company as possible – but they also expect each farmer they deal with to do the same.

              Whitney MacMillan (of the family that owns Cargill) once told me that his goal in running Cargill (he was CEO at the time) was to employ as many people as possible, providing them with a decent livelihood. And he knew that the way to do that is to be as sharp a businessman as possible and run as tight a ship as possible – to be as successful as possible. Profits sustain growth and growth provides more and better services to the sector. This philosophy also applies to suppliers (farmers) and customers (including farmers). Good businessmen want to do business with other good businessmen.

              Cargill and other multinationals do well because they are good at what they do – not because they rip a few cents a bushel off farmers.

              Do you know any successful farmers? Are you a successful farmer? Even in tough times, do you know farmers that seem to do better than others? Don’t you all deal with the same companies? If they’re ripping off farmers, why is it that some farmers are still “successful” and others struggle? Could it be that the successful ones are good at what they do?

              I call it an abundance mentality; and this is – IMHO – what is behind the movement to change the CWB. Entrepreneurial farmers know that they can do as well as or better than the CWB – because they see things that make them question the CWB’s value and all they get from the CWB is a patronizing pat on the head. They want to do the best that they know how and the CWB is in the way. They see it as their duty and responsibility to themselves and the community to employ the best tools and techniques possible to enhance their bottom line, ensuring their vitality and sustainability. For them, the CWB is unproven and appears to be a costly partner.


                Chaff and CP;

                I try to do the best possible job of marketing... within certain limits. Honest and trusting relationships return long term dividends... and are not based on a pure profit motive.

                Blessing my business partners, and community will reward many times over; what a closed fist and proud spirit can create!

                My faith must be alive... my wisdom sharp and accurate: or I couldn't attempt to bridge the challenge that is ahead of us!


                  Tom - success and profit are not only found on the bottom line.


                    wd9 - I found the KFT study online at



                      wd9 - I found the KFT study online at



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