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Everybody Hates Us

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    Everybody Hates Us

    Ambrose is in kenya destroying canadas reputation god bless the conservatives.


    Why have you turned into such a lefty lately? Is there something we should know?

    Are you nettie or jimmy in disguise?


      Maybe everybody just hates you! Ok, too many beers. Can't we all just get along. Kumbaya and all that you know.


        Haa! some spunk good for you.This is one popularity contest i'm not looking to win.

        No i'm not a nettie or jimmy but once i was a pilly.
        I'm also not a lefty or a righty.
        And i'm not afraid to agree or disagree.Do you you feel oblgated to support team conservitive no matter what they say or do?Nazis felt pretty obligated to.


          ...i caught the news on Ambrose last night...she is not embarassing me....the whole Kyoto thing is balderdash.....i am all for clean air and such but there is no pleasing the sexist rantings and radical ideas of the extreme environmental movement....

          the fact is that the Liberals signed us up for the reductions and did diddly squat on the policy side about it....now they want to lay it all off on the current govt....use it as leverage in an election....the deal sucked, they all blame the US, Austrailia, and now Canada.....but how about China, Russia, India and the others......it pure and plane eco politics and the media are having a field day playing to the rantings of these radicals...

          ..desertification of the African continent will happen irrespectively of anything we do....and Polar icecaps decline and expand over a time period much larger than any of us can comprehend.....


            The so called big news last night on CTV was Canada being an environmental disappointment. So I'm thinking Canada is being snubbed by other countries.


            Greenpeace and The Seirra Club form a coalition to discredit Canada, Australia and the US.

            And this was news?

            CTV should be ashamed of themselves for spinning news, I just lost a whole lot of respect for them last night.


              I'm probably going to get shot down - or in web terminology, flamed hard - for this but here goes.. . .

              I listened to both the CTV and CBC reports of the environmental conference. My first reaction was "a good wake up call for our country". Here's why.

              My experience with humans is that a great many of us, perhaps the vast majority, don't like change unless it's miniscule and happens over a pretty long time. Sometimes, though, society needs to make bigger changes than that over a shorter time period. That's why society needs groups, that could be labelled as radical, to help us make those larger changes.

              My observations have been that human nature is such that over time we tend to change to about half of where we reallly needed to be. So, if activist groups only pushed us to change to where we need to be, we'd only change half of that amount.

              On the other hand, if someone pushes us by saying that they think we need to change by twice as much as we actually need to, society will move to half that much, which is about where we should be. Make sense?

              I have three kids, two young ones and one old enough to be a parent - my wife is lobbying hard for grandchildren!! I'm more interested in a healthy environment for my kids and potential grand kids than I am in having higher disposable income and better standard of living for me - away more interested. I've had a good run here but my kids and potential grandkids are just beginning.

              Now I'll go put on my kevlar vest!


                The only reason the people at that conference are upset is because we did
                "wake up" and decided we should not be sending them our tax dollars for some ridiculous "carbon credits"!!!!!!.

                Chretien was such an idiot to come up with the numbers he did, that the Kyoto lovers have been salivating just waiting for the first cheques to arrive from Canada. Think of all the lovely things that places like Russia could buy with our cash.

                Sure, lets clean up our air, water, and dirt, but let us not be stupid about it and let some communists and others tell us how to do it!


                  Yup, silverback, I've never like carbon credits either. Maybe that's because I don't understand them. Carbon credits seem like a kind of sham to me, being able to buy your way out of polluting or putting out greenhouses gases - again, though, I don't understand them. Wish I had time to study it more. I probably shouldn't be wasting my time looking for rear fenders for my '66 Meteor!!?? Should be studying carbon credits instead.


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