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Some one explain why HRS is at $5 all over the world but not here?

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    Some one explain why HRS is at $5 all over the world but not here?

    Some one kindly give me a reason why we are so out of touch with whats happening in the real world on grain prices.
    Almost every point in the US that I phone is close to 5 or better canadian in farmers pockets. Australia is totaly nuts, but it seems every where you look its at 5 or better but here we get a interm of 3.16 for #1 HRS 13.5.
    Selling it for feed wheat is starting to look really good. what a great canadian system.

    Because you live in the land of opportunity - the opportunity to take the price, not discover it.


      PRO for #1CWRS 13.5 is $5.93. That should net you close to $5.00 after shipping and handling. That is the pooled price which you would have chosen to stay in months ago and therefore includes sales going back to before planting.

      If you chose not to be in the pool your options are still open.


        1 CWRS 13.5 5.93

        Estimated SK return from the CWB website:

        $4.36 a BUSHEL



          If you took a Daily Price Contract you could lock in $6.41 for #1 CWRS 13.5/

          If you thought you could do better in the US you could use your DPC to lock up a spread for moving your grain across the border.

          Again if you chose to stay in the pool you might actually do better at year end than you would by pulling the trigger today. You've read the postings here. Some people are very bullish. New sales at higher values will pull the PRO average higher, albeit with the historical sales built in.

          There are lots of choices available to you besides whining about the initials and pretending that the initial price is your only revenue on the sale.

          If you had been selling into the cash market how much of your grain would you be specualting on today and how much would already be in the hands of the grain trade????????


            Vader....I have locked in the market highs for both CPS and My 1 CWRS on DPC's and FPC's....I am still .60 to .70 cents off the real market because of the basis and other variables at the boards disposal...plus the pool results will look better when they blow over the contingency funds (another story all together) and spread some of my marketing profits back to those who pooled.....


              Yes that Evil grain trade again. You just can't trust them at all. How dare they allow the price to go above a breakeven level.



                The reason is because the costs of the single desk system will always put the prairie farmer at a disadvantage to the rest of the world.


                  AdamSmith: Surely you jest. If the Americans HATE our CWB then it MUST be doing something right.



                    "PRO for #1CWRS 13.5 is $5.93. That should net you close to $5.00 after shipping and handling."

                    When is the last time you delivered grain into an elevator/terminal?

                    Or are you like Wells and would have to sign a stat declaration to vote because you haven't delivered grain to the CWB for two years?

                    Or was the $5.00 thing just out of frustration...that i can understand.


                      Dart VADER get in the real world the CWB doesn't do any thing to help us farmers, It is a hindrance and should be replaced. You sound like one of those guys who hasn't delivered any grain is sitting back thinking about how you made money in 1979 and life goes on. This is 2006 and the world has changed so has the CWB into a bunch of employee's who only care about their well being and not the owner of the product. We have a system which ties our hands as producers and every time a country comes to buy grain we just hand it over at a discount where as the US or any Subsidised country the farmers have to be coaxed to get the grain out of their hands thus a premium.


                        Also Vader the Freight out of Saskatchewan takes it down to 4.63 in our area but guess what just south 60 miles its 5.60 Canadian freight off in my pocket.
                        So your right their just doing a wonderful job for me. Were out to lunch every year and finally as farmers maybe its time to kill this puppy once and for all. Also if their so good show me, and don't give me that crap that its confidential and just believe me and trust me I am doing a good job for you.


                          wilagro, by your logic, the Americans hatred of North Korean nuclear weapons only proves that a nuclear North Korea is a good thing for the starving North Korean people.

                          Or the Americans hatred of terrorists is proof positive that terrorism must be good thing for the world.

                          You falsely assume the American quarrel with the CWB is based on envy, because envy is the foundation of leftist politics and policies.

                          The quarrel is based on selling grain into the US and around the world by a company that is not disciplined by way of a fair market acquisition price.

                          wilagro, I hope you have much more to hang your hat on than that feeble argument, because you need to do more than preach to the converted in order to keep the single desk. I guess I might as well say for the 1 millionth time that proof will be required, not that I'm expecting any though.


                            ANYONE who thinks that ANY of these silly-anagrams-disguised-as-marketing-options actually HELP farmers get more for their crops CLEARLY hasn't ever used them in practice.

                            hmmmm.... and that reminds me i believe the CWB directors are disallowed from using the PPO's.


                              everyone here seems to have selective memory or very short term.

                              honestly go back over the last year and do your wheat marketing without the benifit of hindsight. and do it as if the board didnt exist.

                              i have been trying to learn, using FPC futires etc. because whether i like it or not i think the board is toast.

                              go back to last jan. assume your in an open market,or the one we have .whats the plan.

                              everyone on this forum went nuts when the board only took 50% of n3&4 . esp. tom4cwb.
                              (he also wanted the doller hedged and the board to forward price into rallys) his marketing plan wasnt that great either.

                              i was annoyed too , so in effect we were all short no.3&4 sell sell no matter what the price. if we had our way the price would have been even lower.

                              feb march Minn wht is in the top 20% over the last 7 years. i had better hedge some. what would you have done? you have lots of options. fpc basis or go to minn futures.

                              i take a fpc at 4.25 net on 10% of
                              prod. now im long 90%

                              summer comes ,price keeps rallying,is this a summer rally. is it gonna be 3.30 by fall. decide.

                              im gonna need bin space. if its an open market do i sell now so i can deliver off the combine. avoiding harvest basis and price. decision time again. what did you do

                              i dump every old crop bushell i can into the new pool. to get the better price. im short old crop its priced 1$higher than i would have had.no thanks to my marketing.

                              but it is priced, i didnt buy a minn.fut to take adv of any future increases.
                              that sale will affect my final pool price.

                              i had lots of opportunity to get a basis at 60 cents over minn. if i thought i could do better. i didnt do it.

                              from summer to fall basis drops and adj factor comes in to account for earlier sales at lower prices .

                              what i hauled after harvest i consider priced. i would have sold in open market.bills to pay . How about you .

                              now were in nov. and the pro is 50 cents below market.
                              but it looks fairly decent compared to what i would have done in a open market , and what i actually did in this one.

                              the pool is an average, and we are still long at least 1/2 the crop.

                              if you guys can all do better , more power to you, its not like you didnt have options or tools to do it.


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