Sorry adam i guess i misinterpreted a few of your statements like-"Why did farmers still support the cwb even after they saw it kept prices down"
If you were talking about gross incompitance all along i wish i would have picked up on it sooner it would have saved me alot of posting time.
Does everyone else see it the same way?
As far as trying to understand-i'm always trying to understand-everything.But my thoughts an ideas are fluid constantly changing and evolving.Some may call this weak but at least i've never been caught in a mental rut where my views are dead wrong and i'm incapable of adapting to the ever changing world around me.Einstein said the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
As far as free entrprize and thought-i would say i know something.
As far as what you dont know-anything about the markets.
One question i'm dying for you to answer is on the word monopoly.Gross incompetince aside,do you not understand the value of being apart of a monopoly?Are the opec producers incompetent?This is about the tenth time in three years ive asked this question and it never gets a DIRECT ANSWER.
One more thing if we lose all are seed rights to all our seed how would you view monsanto(who opened the door)?
If you were talking about gross incompitance all along i wish i would have picked up on it sooner it would have saved me alot of posting time.
Does everyone else see it the same way?
As far as trying to understand-i'm always trying to understand-everything.But my thoughts an ideas are fluid constantly changing and evolving.Some may call this weak but at least i've never been caught in a mental rut where my views are dead wrong and i'm incapable of adapting to the ever changing world around me.Einstein said the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
As far as free entrprize and thought-i would say i know something.
As far as what you dont know-anything about the markets.
One question i'm dying for you to answer is on the word monopoly.Gross incompetince aside,do you not understand the value of being apart of a monopoly?Are the opec producers incompetent?This is about the tenth time in three years ive asked this question and it never gets a DIRECT ANSWER.
One more thing if we lose all are seed rights to all our seed how would you view monsanto(who opened the door)?