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gag order court battle

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    gag order court battle

    This would be hilarious if it weren't true.

    Can't these clowns see the irony of their own argument?


    It is simply beyond belief that the CWB is doing this.

    1. Hiring a high priced legal firm from Toronto. Why not the CWB in house legal staff who are quite capable... are the CWB management and staff expressing an attitude of incompetence towards their own legal Dept? Logic would say YES to this question.

    2. Claiming the CWB is farmer controled...

    When the Minister of Finance must approve the CWB business plan... that the profits must be returned to the Receiver General of Canada... and losses be provided from money provided by Parliament...

    3. Claiming that Charter Rights for free speach have been broken because the CWB isn't allowed to spend my money to tell me advertising fibs and half truths?

    4. Claiming the CWB "single desk" provides price premiums... when the CWB itself stopped benchmarking studies... because it couldn't prove a premium...

    How can a premium be claimed... or ever even attained... when there are no measurment tools established and monitored to dicipline this mammothasour.

    The deliberate and difficult highly skilled culture of "maximising" my grain prices... has to be one of the most complex and skill intensive projects ever attempted!

    To claim that selling a small portion of my crop each day... or possibly not in the case of Malting Barley... to so simplify the claim that pooling attains a premium for my farm... is simply illogical and unbelievable.

    What a disgusting waste of my money.

    Now I must participate in double jeopardy


      Will David Orchard argue for the CWB?


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